Learn In Addition To Scout These Are The Iv Concepts Shaping 21St Century Learning

December, 2014
Today's learning landscape is enriched with a diversity of novel concepts that were to the recent yesteryear unusual  to many. Of course of written report learning is a dynamic champaign as well as it volition e'er travel on developing every bit human noesis progresses. But the terminal 2 to iii decades inward detail convey witnessed the burst of several novel conceptions as well as theoretical frameworks that, alongside other things, endeavor to capture the latest developments inward learning . This cheat sheet features a reveal of these concepts.

I am every bit good sharing with you lot the visual below which highlights iii to a greater extent than concepts shaping the 21st century learning. To these I added the concept of Andragogy.

Source: http://goo.gl/MBwZfp

1- Andragogy
Andragogy is a teaching strategy developed for adult learners. Andragogy has been around for to a greater extent than than a century only it gained to a greater extent than momentum as well as came upward to the surface inward educational literature peculiarly with the function of Malcom Knowles. Andragogy marks a clear difference from the traditional pedagogy informing modest fry learning inward that it is predicated upon v assumptions related to the characterstics of adult learners :

  • 1. Self-concept: As a somebody matures his self concept moves from i of beingness a dependent personality toward i of beingness a self-directed human being
  • 2. Experience: As a somebody matures he accumulates a growing reservoir of sense that becomes an increasing resources for learning.
  • 3. Readiness to learn. As a somebody matures his readiness to larn becomes oriented increasingly to the developmental tasks of his social roles.
  • 4. Orientation to learning. As a somebody matures his fourth dimension perspective changes from i of postponed application of noesis to immediacy of application, as well as accordingly his orientation toward learning shifts from i of subject-centeredness to i of work centredness.
  • 5. Motivation to learn: As a somebody matures the motivation to larn is internal (Knowles 1984:12)

Check out this page to larn to a greater extent than nearly Andragogy: 

                                        Related : Pedagogy Vs Andragogy

Heutagogy is the written report of self-directed learning as well as self- determined learning. While some shout upward nearly Heutagogy every bit a split methodology from Andragogy, several other scholars sentiment it every bit an extension of Andragogy. Heutagogy is all nearly teaching learners how to learn. In this respect,  "heutagogy looks to the hereafter inward which knowing how to larn volition hold upward a fundamental science given the measurement of project design as well as the changing construction of communities as well as workplaces.”
Here is a PDF document to larn to a greater extent than nearly Heutagogy.

3- Peeragogy
As for peeragogy, hither are some definitions cited yesteryear Arenastudies:
“Peeragogy (which he refers to every bit “paragogy”), is a collection of “the best practices of effective peer learning.”
“It is every bit good a theory of peer-to-peer learning as well as teaching that addresses the challenge of peer-producing a useful as well as supportive context for self-directed learning”.Charles Jeffrey Danoff .

Check out this post to larn to a greater extent than nearly Peeragogy.

4- Cybergogy
This is a completely novel concept to me as well as every bit I searched farther on its pregnant I came across this entry from Edutech Wiki:
One of the fundamental elements of cybergogy is the intent to combine fundamentals of both pedagogy as well as andragogy to acquire inward at a novel approach to learning (Carrier & Moulds, 2003). Cybergogy focuses on helping adults as well as immature people to larn yesteryear facilitating as well as technologically enabling learner-centered autonomous as well as collaborative learning inward a virtual environment. At the substance of cybergogy is awareness that strategies used for face-to-face learning may non hold upward the same used inward the virtual environment.

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