Learn Together With Sentry Boomwriter Only Released Wordwriter For Didactics Vocabulary

July 24, 2014
 BoomWriter announced the launch of its novel interactive vocabulary tool called WordWriter yesterday! WordWriter makes vocabulary fun, easy, together with engaging together with gives it a 21st century technology-twist! It's certain to hold upwards a slap-up tool for teachers together with students alike.

Utilizing BoomWriter’s interactive together with collaborative platform, WordWriter volition prepare greater involvement together with appointment levels approximately vocabulary instruction.  WordWriter volition growth students’ overall vocabulary comprehension through application of the teacher-selected vocab into their ain written work.  Teachers volition only add together the specific words they want the students to incorporate, a give-and-take limit, together with some guidelines—the WordWriter platform is flexible plenty that students tin forcefulness out write creative stories approximately the chosen words or precisely uncomplicated sentences to demonstrate their vocabulary knowledge.

  Best of all, WordWriter tracks student’s purpose of selected words together with hence checks off the vocabulary give-and-take in 1 lawsuit it’s been typed.  Once all students’ pieces are submitted together with approved past times the teacher, they tin forcefulness out participate inwards the anonymous peer review share of the procedure together with vote for the slice they experience best utilizes the vocabulary.  WordWriter volition also characteristic vocabulary give-and-take crowdsourcing, hence teachers tin forcefulness out meet the close pop words for a detail degree added past times other teachers from approximately the world!

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