Learn Together With Sentry Rubrics To Attention You Lot Course Of Educational Activity Students Assignments On Google Drive

July, 2014
Chalkup is a slap-up spider web tool that allows teachers to utilization classes as well as portion dissimilar written report materials on a message board that students tin access inwards real-time. Chalkup lets yous shipping service give-and-take prompts, add together comments to discussions, distribute announcements as well as assignments as well as stance files.

The handy characteristic I dear close Chalkup is its Google Drive integration. This agency that yous tin portion files stored on your Drive correct into your Chalkup shape alongside ane click or drag as well as drib them from your computer. You tin also utilization assignments inwards your Google Drive as well as portion them alongside your students inwards real-time .

Students tin easily plow inwards their assignment for grading yesteryear but using drag as well as drop. They tin also upload them from computers or their Drive. As a instructor yous tin annotate, trace on as well as flat whatever uploaded file students submit. You tin also add together personalized feedback on students papers.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few days agone Chalkup released a novel service which allow teachers to purpose rubrics on Chalkup to flat assignments that students shipping them on Google Drive. Watch the video below to acquire to a greater extent than close how to purpose rubrics on Chalkup.
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