Learn In Addition To Spotter First-Class Tool To Get Upwards Students' Reading Comprehension

November, 2014
Rewordify is a slap-up spider web tool that you lot tin purpose alongside your students as well as kids to assistance them read hard passages. Rewordify simplifies complex passages as well as homecoming them reader-friendly. Students tin glue inwards hard sentences, paragraphs, or whole chapters as well as and then click on "Rewordify text". They volition as well as then acquire a paraphrased version of their text alongside a simpler as well as easier vocabulary.The reworded words are highlighted which way that students tin click on them to ask heed as well as larn the root harder words.

Rewordify also allows you lot to obtain a simplified version of whatever spider web page. Just glue inwards the URL of the webpage you lot desire to read inwards the xanthous box as well as striking 'Rewordify'.Watch the video below to larn to a greater extent than virtually how Rewordify works.

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