Learn In Addition To Spotter A Handy Interactive Visual On The Digital Storytelling Process

June 24, 2014
Here is a bully interactive Thinglink icon on the procedure of digital storytelling I desire to portion amongst yous today. This graphic is created past times Tonia and features a broad diversity of iPad apps that become amongst each of the stages of the digital storytelling process.

Tonia used the concept of procedure writing (popularized past times Donal Murray) to pattern this digital storytelling procedure visual. This procedure is made upwards of  7 stages namely :prewriting, drafting, editing, conferencing, revising, publishing, together with sharing. If yous hover your mouse over whatever of these stages yous volition hold out able to run across a clickable push that yous tin purpose to access the listing of iPad apps for that stage. I bring spent former going through the dissimilar app suggestions included inward this visual together with I detect them actually interesting. Enjoy.

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