Learn Together With Spotter The Viii Must Convey Skills For The 21St Century Students

June 23, 2014
Here is a wonderful trivial visual I came across through Edudemic which outlines the 8 skills students demand inwards fellowship to alive upward to the expectations of the futurity labor market. These skills which are highlighted inwards the recent study "The Learning Curve"  by Pearson are a big deviation from the conventional literacy skills : Reading, Writing, as well as Arithmetic.That existence said, the study besides underscored the fact that for kids (in developing countries) to acquire a grasp of the 21st century skills, they demand to starting fourth dimension top dog the basic literacy skills.
Developing countries must instruct basic skills to a greater extent than effectively earlier they start to reckon the wider skills agenda. There is trivial betoken inwards investing inwards pedagogies as well as technologies to foster 21st century skills, when the basics of numeracy as well as literacy aren't inwards place.
Here is the 8 needed skills for the future:
  • Leadership
  • Digital Literacy
  • Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Global Citizenship
  • Problem Solving
  • Team-Working

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