Learn Too Sentinel A Handy Rubric For Fine Art Teachers

July 5, 2014
Today I am sharing alongside y'all a practical rubric for Art teachers. I came across this rubric through this resourceful Creativity Board on Pinterest. As y'all run into below the rubric is divided into half dozen categories: fabric application as well as techniques, agreement of content, completion, tool responsibility, craftsmanship, as well as creative process. Teachers are to assess students artwork against these half dozen categories assigning marks from 0 to 30. Depending on your pedagogy province of affairs as well as your students learning needs, y'all powerfulness postulate to alter or modify about of the evaluative criteria inwards this nautical chart to lucifer your ain pedagogy goals. Whatever means y'all purpose it, this rubric is a nifty event of the things fine art teachers accept to pay head to when assessing their students artworks.

This rubric is created past times Ronie McBride, a teacher at Patton Jr. High inwards Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

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