Learn As Well As Sentry Iii Must Accept Google Get Tools To Meliorate Students Writing

March , 2014
As you lot likely know, Google Drive has late announced the add-on of add-ons to its features. These are 3rd political party extensions that you lot tin shipping away install on your Drive to heighten its performance.I induce got been trying out or together with then of these add-ons together with decided to characteristic iii of them here. The add-ons I selected are ideal for helping students meliorate their  writing. For to a greater extent than add-ons delight cite to this list.

1- ProWriting Aid

ProWriting Aid is a smashing tool that provides a diverseness of features to assist students meliorate their writing. or together with then of these features include:

  • Check your writing for consistency, plagiarism, acronyms, cliches, redundancies, grammer mistakes together with more.
  • Check for consistency of spelling, hyphenation, together with capitalization; - Eliminate clichés together with redundancies; 
  • Check for plagiarism together with unoriginal content; 
  • Online grammer together with spelling checker; 
  • Improve readability; 
  • Find overused words; 
  •  Improve tiresome paragraph structure; 
  • Find repeated words together with phrases; 
  • Eliminate vague, abstract, together with complex words from your writing; 
  •  High lineament copy-editing together with proofreading services;

2- Track Changes

Track Changes is a smashing tool for collaborative writing. It allows users to run across changes together with editing that induce got been downward to the newspaper together with when together with who did them together with whether to bring or decline these modifications. 
Features Track Changes provides to users include:
  •  Manage Changes: Accept or decline changes easily yesteryear using the Track Changes sidebar 
  • Easy to Review: Changes are coloring coded for slow review: additions are inwards dark-green together with deletions are inwards carmine amongst strikethrough. 
  •  Simple Controls: Turn Track Changes on or off together with reset tracking amongst a unmarried click using the Add-ons menu. 
  •  Secure together with Private: No role of your document is always transmitted or stored exterior of Google’s servers.
Watch this video to run across it inwards action

3- EasyBib

If you lot are working on  a document on Google Docs together with desire to insert citations, EasyBib is the best add-an to use. It lets you lot easily await for together with  access citations together with also generates a bibliography for your paper. You tin shipping away conduct from the iii unlike citation formats: APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Watch this brusk video to larn to a greater extent than almost how to utilization EasyBib on your Google docs.

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