Learn In Addition To Lookout Acquire To A Greater Extent Than Well-Nigh How To Role Edmodo Inwards Your Aeroplane Amongst These Gratuitous Webinars

For those of you lot interested inwards learning to a greater extent than close how to tap into the educational potential of Edmodo, from Jan to March, Edmodo volition offering complimentary webinars twice a calendar week every week:

  • First as well as 3rd Tuesday of the calendar month – 10:00am EST
  • Second as well as 4th Tuesday of the calendar month – 4:00pm EST
  • Every Th at 7:00 pm EST

During each webinar, you’ll acquire an overview of Edmodo’s center features, alongside a focus on instructor as well as pupil use. You’ll likewise accept a conduct a opportunity to submit questions as well as acquire alive responses from a fellow member of our Support team.

Register Today

Sign upwardly for complimentary through Eventbrite. Once you’re registered, you’ll have an electronic mail alongside the dependent area line, “Order Confirmation for Welcome to Edmodo,” which includes effect details as well as steps to bring together the webinar. We recommend clicking the “Test Meeting” link to brand certain your calculator tin play the WebEx stream, the software nosotros role for our webinars.
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