Learn In Addition To Scout Five Spider Web Tools To Add Together Comments In Addition To Questions To Educational Videos

February 8, 2014
If y'all are looking for spider web tools to practise video lessons or platforms to help y'all flip your classroom , the tools below are likely what y'all need. These are the tools I lead maintain already covered inwards split upwards posts hither inwards . I invite y'all to cheque them out in addition to portion amongst your colleagues.

1-  Blubbr

Blubbr is a cool spider web tool that allows users to practise quizzes around YouTube videos. These are basically interactive video quizzes ( called Trivs ) that y'all tin practise for your students in addition to which they tin reply spell they sentinel the selected video clip. The quizzes are also feedback supported important students volition acquire feedback every bit they reply each question.

2- Teachem

Teachem is a spider web service that allows teachers to practise lessons around YouTube videos. They tin also interact amongst videos through adding comments, questions in addition to notes inwards the cast of flashcards that tin survive pinned to videos.

3- Educanon

Educanon is some other powerful tool that teachers tin purpose to blueprint lessons based on videos from both YouTube in addition to Vimeo. And similar Teachem, teachers tin generate questions on the content of videos in addition to portion it together amongst videos inwards a unmarried lesson.

4- VideoNotes

VideoNotes is a gratis spider web tool that allows students to accept notes on a video they are watching. The notes are synchronized amongst the video beingness watched. The adept affair virtually VideoNotes is that it is integrated into Google Drive which agency that students volition survive able to relieve their notes straight to their Drive trouble concern human relationship in addition to access, edit, in addition to come about them anytime they want. All the notes are time-stamped.

TED Ed is a website that allows teachers to practise lessons around YouTube videos. Teachers tin choose YouTube videos in addition to purpose their URLs to add together questions inwards dissimilar formats. The added value of this tool is that it has a department where teachers tin rail stats of how many has answered answers in addition to hoa mnay students lead maintain seen the lesson. Check out this visual guide to larn to a greater extent than virtually how to created a video lessons using TED Ed.

5- Edpuzzle

This is a spider web tool I lead maintain only learned virtually from my colleague David Kapuler. Edpuzzle allows y'all to purpose exclusively what y'all postulate from whatever video, insert well notes or tape over a video amongst your voice, in addition to add together questions at whatever betoken inwards the video in addition to rail your students' understanding.

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