Learn As Well As Picket Elevation 100 Twitter Tools For Teachers

While I was working on a best of the twelvemonth Twitter tools post I come upward across this wonderful extensive listing bone some pop Twitter applications for teachers. I am sharing it amongst you lot below as well as looking forwards to listen what you lot intend of them. Enjoy

Take command of your feed, schedule posts, as well as create exercise followers amongst these all-around corking tools for Twittering teachers.

Easily 1 of the most pop tools for Twitter, period, TweetDeck volition assistance you lot organize feeds, notice focus, fifty-fifty schedule tweets as well as create exercise multiple accounts.

Why allow your tweets disappear into Internet history? Save them amongst this gratis backup tool for Twitter. It’s corking for teachers who desire to archive classroom conversations for afterwards years.

For teachers amongst multiple accounts, Splitweet is a corking tool. You tin proceed all of your accounts inwards 1 identify as well as easily follow contacts’ tweets.

Avoid becoming overwhelmed yesteryear loads of classroom tweets. Using Followize, you lot tin read organized tweets, charge timelines, as well as ship out your ain tweets lightning fast.

With Qwitter, you lot tin notice out every bit shortly every bit students as well as other followers unfollow you.

Boost your social media productivity amongst this tool that allows you lot to schedule tweets, rails keywords, fifty-fifty salve as well as reuse drafted tweets.

Not only for Twitter, HootSuite is a powerful tool that allows you lot to create exercise all of your social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, as well as LinkedIn. It offers tracking analysis, as well as other corking features for Twittering teachers.

Keep things streamlined amongst TwitBlock, a corking tool for weeding out spammy Twitter followers.

Created for pocket-sized businesses, but corking for teachers, Gremln makes social media administration super easy. You tin remain organized, stair out success amongst statistics as well as analysis, as well as salve time.

Work faster as well as smarter on Twitter amongst this tool that allows you lot to unfollow inactive users, notice relevant people, rails amongst analytics, as well as fifty-fifty schedule your tweets for optimal times.

H5N1 elementary agency to create exercise your Twitter tasks, Echofon volition automatically sync unread tweets, acquire inwards tardily to share, as well as updates amongst smart notifications.

Set upward multiple accounts, scheduling, concern human relationship groups, apps, as well as to a greater extent than amongst this full-featured Twitter administration tool.

Using this desktop client, you lot tin acquire notifications, cross-post your updates, search tweets, as well as automatically notice mentions.

With Twepe, you lot tin Twitter without genuinely using Twitter. This tool sends reports, summaries, as well as tweets to email, as well as you lot tin fifty-fifty electronic mail your updates to Twitter.

Get connected amongst parents, other teachers, some of the best online schools as well as educational experts amongst these tools for finding Twitter friends.

Go local using this tool that helps you lot notice Twitter posts as well as users nigh you.

Using this Twitter directory, you lot tin search as well as notice Twitter followers.

Another corking Twitter directory, Twellow is a useful tool for finding Twitter users anywhere.

Find novel followers as well as friends based on shared interests through Twitter Packs.

Teachers haven’t got a lot of fourth dimension to mess closed to on Twitter. Find out how intense it is to follow whatsoever user on Twitter amongst Follow Cost.

Twitter Local is a corking identify to notice tweets yesteryear location, whether you lot desire to notice nearby tweets or ones from closed to the world.

Using PeopleBrowsr, you lot tin notice as well as create exercise your followers on Twitter.

This Twitter human relationship manager makes it tardily to create novel relationships, create exercise your friends as well as followers, as well as fifty-fifty form users yesteryear importance.

Tweepi is a corking tool for cleaning upward your Twitter account, offering resources for flushing out unfollowers, reciprocating follows, cleaning upward inactive users, finding novel friends, as well as fifty-fifty forcing users to unfollow you.

Get amazing command of your Twitter followers amongst this tool that allows you lot to search bios, compare users, analyze followers, as well as fifty-fifty rails as well as form your followers.

Contaxio offers human relationship administration for Twitter, allowing you lot to rails followers as well as friends on Twitter as well as fifty-fifty beyond.

Are your students next you lot back? Find out amongst this tool.

Another corking tool for analyzing your Twitter followers, Friend or Follow volition allow you lot to encounter who isn’t next you lot back, as well as who you lot demand to follow every bit well.

Find followers based on keywords, monitor mentions, as well as fifty-fifty notice advanced keyword monitoring from Twollow.

Check out novel followers amongst Twtrfrnd, a tool that allows you lot to notice out if you lot stimulate got whatsoever mutual friends.

Find other teachers, educators, as well as insightful people to follow on this site for Twitter groups.

Find people to follow on Twitter using this app that allows you lot to search based on names, locations, as well as keywords.

Want to notice the most pop users inwards education? Check out Twitaholic to notice rankings as well as stats for Twitter users.

Find the Twitter Elite inwards your place yesteryear checking out Tweet Grader.


Twitter is a corking resources for spreading interesting images, links, as well as learning resources, as well as these tools acquire inwards tardily to exercise only that.

Send files amongst Twitter using this super-simple sharing tool.

H5N1 pop tool for sharing photos on Twitter, you lot can’t become incorrect amongst Twitpic.

So much to a greater extent than than only a URL shortener, bit.ly is a corking tool for tracking as well as analyzing your links.

Be careful nigh flooding your students amongst lots of content at once. Using Buffer, you lot tin spread your tweets out throughout the day.

With this Twitter client, it’s tardily to rails as well as percentage what’s happening on Twitter, amongst real-time customized tweet streams that tin last syndicated as well as distributed.

Live-stream video on Twitter amongst the Twitcam app.

Upload as well as percentage files on Twitter using TwileShare, a social sharing app.

One of the most famous apps inwards the world, Instagram offers Twitter users a corking agency to percentage photos amongst Twitter.


Get students engaged on Twitter amongst these quick as well as fun games.

Share inspiration amongst your students using this fun Twitter game, offering a novel prompt to respond to each day.

Challenge your students to answer this daily trivia quiz on Twitter.

This incredibly pop drawing game is fun for kids as well as adults alike, as well as users tin percentage their creations on Twitter.

This Twitter-based discussion of the hateful solar daytime game is corking for edifice vocabulary skills.

Using Twitter, opponents tin remotely play chess, a genuinely fun agency to construct strategic thinking skills.

Fill inwards the blanks of At Libs every bit a flat to create fun linguistic communication lessons.

NEWS as well as RESEARCH

Follow topics inwards your classroom as well as remain on summit of the tidings amongst these Twitter tools.

Track trends, events, as well as to a greater extent than using Twitscoop.

You tin organize interesting tweets to percentage amongst your students inwards 1 unmarried page amongst a permanent URL, thank you lot to QuoteURL.

What’s going on inwards the world? Check out this Twitter aggregator to cheque out the most pop Twitter topics, as well as follow topics yesteryear category.

Use TweetGrid to create a search dashboard for upward to nine dissimilar topics, as well as acquire updates inwards existent time.

Using this spider web app, you’ll last able to acquire daily updates of tweets containing whatsoever keyword you lot specify. It’s a corking agency to follow whatsoever classroom theme you’d like.

Keep the riffraff out of your Twitter searches yesteryear using Twitority, an authority-based Twitter search.

Twitter itself has a rattling powerful search tool, allowing for advanced searches, hashtags, trends, as well as more.

TweetMeme offers the hottest links on Twitter, making it tardily for you lot to search, find, as well as percentage the latest news.

Find real-time tidings for your keywords amongst this Twitter search tool.

Using Monitter, you lot tin monitor a gear upward of keywords inwards existent time, as well as fifty-fifty narrow your search to a item geographic location.

This Twitter search engine allows you lot to search non only tweets, but photos, videos, links, as well as fifty-fifty skillful users.


Check out these awesome Twitter feeds to notice educational resources as well as insight for teachers.

Follow @weather to acquire atmospheric condition tidings as well as updates from ScienceNewsBlog that you lot tin percentage amongst your students.

Learn nigh funding for world schools as well as what’s needed inwards classrooms from @donorschoose.

Through the @eduGuru, you’ll last able to acquire connected amongst Internet marketing as well as spider web evolution for higher education.

PBS Teachers is a corking identify to notice multimedia resources as well as professional person development.

Follow @BBCeducation for educational developments from the U.K.

Learn nigh savings, college, as well as to a greater extent than from @upromise.

Follow @educationweek to acquire the best updates from the pedagogy world.

Join @LearnHub to accept wages of this corking social learning network.

One of the coolest teachers on Twitter, Vicki Davis is a corking somebody to follow for pedagogy tidings as well as edtech.

Bring curiosity into your classroom yesteryear next @DiscoveryEd.

Everyone’s favorite Reading Rainbow host is withal rattling much involved inwards education. Follow LeVar to larn nigh educational resources as well as novel developments.

This resources from Education Week shares instruction, curriculum, schoolhouse environment, as well as more, only for teachers.

Find gratis resources, news, as well as to a greater extent than for pedagogy on @NEAToday.

The Chronicle of Higher Education shares insightful tweets as well as tidings for higher pedagogy on @chronicle.

Find the best posts from pedagogy blogs on @EdVoices.

TimesHigherEducation offers higher education news, views, as well as reviews on a global scale.


If your students are joining you lot on Twitter or if you’ve got an educators’ group, these tools are corking for keeping things organized.

Using Tweetizen, it’s tardily to create your ain Twitter groups or notice groups to complement classroom learning.

Using Twtpoll, you’ll last able to chop-chop create classroom polls as well as acquire feedback from your students.

GroupTweet’s service allows you lot to percentage your Twitter account, fifty-fifty creating a classroom concern human relationship that students tin all contribute to.

Like GroupTweet, ConnectTweet makes it tardily for multiple users to update a unmarried Twitter account.

Get statistics nigh your Twitter account, similar which posts are most pop as well as how much your concern human relationship has grown, using Twoolr.

Create a classroom paper amongst minimal effort. Paper.li allows you lot to create a daily paper from your Twitter feeds.

Manage your classroom community on Twitter amongst this tool, offering engagement history, pop hashtags, as well as other corking features for analyzing your group.

BirdHerd makes Twitter tardily for groups as well as teams, allowing multiple people to percentage a unmarried account.

Get a chatroom only for your classroom on Twitter yesteryear using the Nurph app.

Another corking agency to opened upward up a individual chat for your groups, Chitty Chat lets you lot chat privately amongst a grouping from Twitter.

Manage your grouping Twitter chat amongst a hashtag as well as TweetChat, as well as you’ll stimulate got lots of command over updates as well as fifty-fifty position on blinders to the balance of Twitter.


Don’t allow Twitter acquire overwhelming; only role these tools to proceed everything elementary as well as straight.

See classroom tweets inwards a conversational context using this Twitter organizer.

Keep students, parents, as well as to a greater extent than inwards the loop for events through Twtvite.

Twitter is corking for sending quick notes, as well as Postica takes things a piffling further, allowing you lot to ship viscid notes through Twitter.

If you’ve got email, you’ve got Twitter. Use Twitter Mail to tweet yesteryear sending an email.

Too much vibrations inwards your Twitter stream? Use Twalala to command what you lot encounter as well as don’t see.

Losing followers? Find out what made them flee amongst TweetEffect, as well as consider adjusting your updates amongst this information inwards mind.

You’re missing out on lots of useful tweets each day. Help plough downward the vibrations as well as acquire to a greater extent than tweets that thing yesteryear using Slipstream.

Do you lot stimulate got a few rattling noisy Twitter friends? Turn downward the frequent updates as well as allow those amongst fewer updates to smoothen through yesteryear using Shuush.

This mute push for Twitter volition allow you lot to quiet annoying streams.

Not everyone is on Twitter. Keep parents as well as other of import people inwards the know yesteryear sending tweets to your weblog amongst LoudTwitter.

Remember classroom birthdays, remain organized, as well as last on summit of of import classroom events, all on Twitter yesteryear using thirty Boxes.

Use Twitterfeed to accept your blog, Facebook, as well as to a greater extent than to Twitter, as well as you lot won’t stimulate got to worry nigh updating multiple sites.

Turn your Twitter ID into a push that you lot tin percentage on your blog, website, as well as more.

Need to rails your classroom fourth dimension as well as expenses? Xpenser has you lot covered, as well as is tardily to update from Twitter.

Cross posted from our colleagues in  bestcollegesonline.com and Teachthought.com.
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