Learn In Addition To Picket Altitude Five History Maps Of 2013

Google Maps Mania is 1 first-class platform I convey been reading for quite a spell now. It covers everything related to Google Maps and  tracks the websites, mashups together with tools existence influenced yesteryear Google Maps.  I convey been repeatedly recommending it for teachers inward several articles I posted hither inward this year. Today, equally I was checking the feeds on my  social media profiles I come upward across this recent postal service from Google Maps Mania outlining the transcend five history maps of 2013 together with idea that history teachers mightiness locomote interested inward having a peek.

The get-go in this collection is Jamaican Slave Revolt Map which tells the flush of the revolt, together with its fell suppression yesteryear the British Army.

Check out this page to larn to a greater extent than virtually the remaining four history maps .

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