Learn Too Lookout #Edtechchat A Bully Novel Hashtag For Teachers Too Educators

I simply desire to speedily inform the  readers of that a novel hashtag for teachers has seen the light. This hashtag is called #edtechchat together with is founded by @thomascmurray, @KatrinaStevens1, @iplante, @s_bearden, and@ajpodchaski .

The weekly #edtechchat  takes house on Mon evenings from 8-9 pm EST, together with correct instantly at that spot is an interesting educational chat going on inwards #edtechchat amongst tweets from famous educators such every bit @cybraryman1, @Tomwhitby together with many many others. My commencement impression virtually what is beingness shared together with discussed inwards this novel virtual infinite is that it volition induce got the same success every bit its sis #edchat.

 #edtechchat is a peachy house for teachers to larn about, connect amongst , together with part tips together with resources on educational technology. Think virtually it every bit a costless professional person evolution session held correct from the comfort of your couch. 

I invite you lot to banking corporation friction match out #edtechchat together with induce got run inwards the noesis edifice taking house there. There is every bit good a wikispace wiki where #edtechchat archives volition hold upwards stored but the wiki is currently nether construction.
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