Learn Too Sentinel Google's Conduct To Staying Prophylactic Too Secure Online

Here is to those who accept non withal learned close this first-class resources from Google featuring around of import tips too tools to remain rubber online. You tin add together this resources to your digital citizenship toolkit nosotros accept been talking close a few weeks ago. It is highly imperative that nosotros learn our students too kids close the dangers looming inwards the virtual globe too produce them inwards such a means that they tin surf the internet without jeopardizing their safety.

Here are around of the things this Google Good to Know guide offers to you lot :

1-Know your Google security too privacy tools
Find out to a greater extent than close the tools you lot tin role to deal remain rubber alongside Google.

Find out how you lot tin deal protect your estimator or device from criminals.

Learn to a greater extent than close how to produce rigid passwords too proceed your data safe.

Learn to a greater extent than close how to deal protect yourself from identity theft.

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