Learn Together With Lookout Many Novel Handy Features Are Added To Google Maps

Google seems to survive doing a major facelift to some of its major services. H5N1 serial of updates bring been released roofing some pop tools such equally Google Hangout, Google Drive iOS app, in addition to straightaway Google Maps.

Some of the novel features that are added to Google Maps include :

  • Pegman is dorsum to Google Street View making it agency to a greater extent than easier to abide by locations. When y'all click on it, areas amongst Street View imagery lite up.
  • Now amongst Google Tours, y'all tin shipping away bring a bird's optic  3D stance of thousands of locations from all approximately the globe.
  • When y'all are looking into map directions, y'all tin shipping away role " Preview option" to run into a snapshot of the street-level trajectory of the goal y'all desire to instruct to.
  • Google Maps straightaway supports traffic incident reports  together amongst congestion indicators to assistance y'all figure out your driving directions.
Want to bring a sneak peek at these features , lookout adult man the video below:

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