Crispy “Everything” Flatbread – “Everything” In Addition To Everything

These crispy “everything” flatbread crackers aren’t simply called “everything” because they’re inspired past times the “everything bagel,” but likewise because they’re everything you’d desire inwards a flatbread. They’re savory, together with interesting plenty to consume past times themselves, but likewise distich perfectly alongside countless dips, whatever cheese plate, together with of course, anything you’d schmear on a bagel.

I played it rubber alongside the powders, but I’m tempted to endeavour this alongside freshly minced garlic together with onions, which would larn us fifty-fifty closer to their circular inspiration. I’ll tweet a photograph if it works, but fifty-fifty alongside the dried stuff, it was actually close. By the way, garlic/onion powder, together with granulated garlic/onion is the same thing, simply terra firma to a unlike fineness, together with they’re interchangeable. Just brand certain they’re made alongside pure garlic together with onion, together with non a bunch of salt.

This slowly technique volition travel alongside pretty much whatever seeds together with flavorings, hence I encourage y'all to become nuts customizing the recipe. Just don’t forget to flip your dough over earlier baking, hence that your flatbread edges curlicue upwards the correct way. For a to a greater extent than rustic look, y'all tin bake these uncut, together with hence i time cooled, snap them into irregular shards, which is likewise a bully look. Either way, I actually promise y'all plow over these crispy “everything” flatbreads a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for nigh 48 Crispy “Everything” Flatbreads:
3/4 loving cup spouted spelt or whole wheat flour
3/4 loving cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon kosher tabular array salt (or 1/2 teaspoon fine salt)
1/2 teaspoon freshly terra firma dark pepper
pinch cayenne
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, or to gustation
1/4 teaspoon onion powder, or to taste
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 loving cup hot water, or to a greater extent than every bit needed
poppy seeds together with sesame seeds every bit needed

- Bake at 375F. for nigh xx minutes, or until golden-brown together with crispy.
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