Sweet Hot Mustard Slaw – It’S All Close The “Cassage”

I’m non peculiarly picky virtually my coleslaws, too every bit long every bit they’re properly made, I savor a broad multifariousness of flavors too combinations, but this mustard slaw may last my fav. The combo of hot too sweetness has a proven rail tape inward palate pleasing, too that’s especially truthful when we’re talking virtually a mutual depression temperature salad.

Of course, how sweet, too how hot volition last upwards to your personal tastes, every bit good every bit what you’re going to serve this with. If I’m going to toss this side past times side likewise about spicy grilled sausages, too thus I volition note downward the punch, whereas if I’m topping a sweet, smoky pulled pork sandwich, I mightiness last a picayune to a greater extent than aggressive, similar I was here.

Regardless of what just y'all seat inward yours, the primal hither is salting, too massaging your cutting cabbage kickoff (aka “cassage”). This non exclusively draws out water, which truly sweetens upwards the flavor, but it also produces a flexible, yet withal crunchy texture, which I recollect is lacking inward many other “chop too mix” recipes.

I realize we’ve done coleslaws where nosotros skip this step, which is fine if y'all piece your cabbage thin, too serve it relatively quickly, but for what I cite to every bit “real” coleslaw, the extra 10 minutes is good worth it. Plus, in 1 lawsuit preserved inward this way, your coleslaw volition non exclusively end days, but perchance instruct fifty-fifty better.

By the fourth dimension I’d topped my shortly to premiere boneless babe dorsum rib sandwich, this slaw had been inward the refrigerator for almost 2 days, too had developed fifty-fifty to a greater extent than flavor, piece withal retaining it’s raw crispness. So, rest tuned for that video, but inward the meantime, I truly hit promise y'all hand this great, hot too sweetness mustard slaw a campaign soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for four portions:
1 pound cabbage, cutting inward 1/2 inch slices
1 tablespoon kosher salt

For the dressing:
1/4 loving cup mayo
2 tablespoons Dijon
1 tablespoon grain mustard
1 to 2 tablespoons honey, or to taste
1 tablespoon apple tree cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon cayenne, or to taste
fresh chives to garnish
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