New Chocolate Granola – Guide Keep That, Count Chocula!

I know chocolate granola form of sounds similar candy, exactly introducing cocoa into the mix non entirely makes it delicious, it equally good truly makes it ameliorate for you! Possibly. No 1 is truly sure. The indicate is this truly tastes great, in addition to would brand a wonderful care for for the chocolate lover, woman nurture or otherwise, inward your life.

I showed amazing restraint non adding anything to a greater extent than that oatmeal in addition to almonds, since I truly intend that’s the best conception for the chocolate base, exactly I would accept no occupation alongside you lot accessorizing this equally you lot run into fit. Coconut flakes are an obvious choice, equally are other commons suspects similar dried fruit, whatever in addition to all nuts, in addition to assorted seeds.

If you lot desire a stickier granola, that volition to a greater extent than easily clump together, you lot tin upwards the brownish saccharide in addition to maple syrup a bit, equally I used the bare minimum inward this recipe, exactly I intend it’s plenty sugariness enough, specially if you’re a fan of nighttime chocolate.

Speaking of chocolate, I used Guittard’s Cocoa Rouge, a Dutch-process cocoa, which has a lower acidity than regular cocoa, in addition to industrial plant perfectly flavor-wise. However, I’ve heard that type of cocoa doesn’t retain equally much of the nutritional value, due to the agency it’s processed. The expert tidings is, whatever high-quality cocoa volition operate here.

By the way, I was entirely half-kidding close making this for someone, in addition to thence keeping it all for yourself, thence best play it safe, in addition to brand a double, or triple batch. No affair how much you lot make, or what you lot add together in, I truly promise you lot reach this a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Makes close three 1/2 cups of Chocolate Granola:
1/3 loving cup packed brownish sugar
1/4 loving cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon kosher common salt (or 1/2 teaspoon fine salt)
pinch of cayenne
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa (Dutch-processed if possible)
2 cups rolled oats
3/4 loving cup chopped almonds

- Mix, in addition to bake at 250 F. for close an hour, or until equally crunchy/chewy equally you lot like.
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