New Billionaire’S Franks & Beans – Welcome To The Meridian 1% Of Comfort Foods

Maybe it’s the billionaire(s) inward the intelligence lately, just for roughly argue I decided to accept 1 of America’s nigh frugal meals, franks in addition to beans, in addition to plow over it a high-end makeover. Besides, all the other classic comfort foods get got been fancified, hipsterized, and/or molecular gastronomized; in addition to thence I figured I would accept this 1 down. And yesteryear down, I hateful up.

Usually, franks in addition to beans is made yesteryear opening upwardly a brace cans of baked beans, in addition to heating it upwardly alongside roughly sliced hotdogs. Not just something you’d serve to visiting dignitaries. However, yesteryear adding roughly fresh veggies, obviously beans, in addition to high-quality beef hot dogs, nosotros tin dismiss accomplish something much healthier, every bit delicious, in addition to every fleck as comforting.

So, how much to a greater extent than volition it toll y'all to brand this commonly inexpensive dish, using these upscale ingredients? It’s tempting to say, if y'all get got to ask, y'all can’t afford it, just that’s non the case. Sure, the Kobe hotdogs volition toll y'all a brace extra dollars, just the balance of the dish is all the same quite inexpensive. I actually exercise promise y'all plow over this a essay soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for four portions Franks & Beans:
2 tbsp unsalted butter
1 diced yellowish onion
1 diced poblano or other light-green pepper
2 tbsp minced fresh cayenne pepper, or other hot reddish pepper
1 rib celery, diced
1 pound hot dogs, sliced (literally whatever other sausage volition last here)
2 (15-oz) cans cannellini beans, drained, rinsed
1 tbsp lite brownish sugar
1/4 loving cup ketchup
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 1/2 loving cup chicken broth, or as needed
salt in addition to freshly dry reason dark pepper to taste
1/4 loving cup sliced light-green onions
- serve alongside buttered toast in addition to champagne
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