New Sloppy Dip – G.I. Joe (Generally Inspired-By)

Don’t allow the catchy cite fool you; this sloppy Joe-inspired dip actually shouldn’t drive that big a mess at your Super Bowl party, but every bit long every bit your guests aren’t likewise sloppy themselves. You tin exam them yesteryear having them pronounce, “sloppy dip.” If they nation it to a greater extent than like, “shloppy dip,” cutting them off.

For me this checks all the boxes for a hot political party dip. It’s relatively cheap, as well as slow to make, but mayhap to a greater extent than importantly, it’s smashing hot, warm, or room temp. It’s also incredibly versatile, as well as I tin mean value of virtually two-dozen things off the transcend of my caput that would live on smashing inwards this.

Like I said inwards the video, yous don’t accept to introduce this every bit a baked dip. You tin but function out it on the stove, on low, for guests to dip into. People are e'er hanging out inwards that expanse anyway. Otherwise, yous tin broil it inwards whatsoever oven-safe casserole dish, or utilization it inwards a sauce pan similar I did, which tin also live on kept on depression oestrus afterwards browning the cheese. No affair how yous serve it, I promise yous laissez passer on this great, as well as sloppy dip a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Makes 12 portions of Sloppy Dip:  
2 pound extra lean dry reason beef
1 onion, diced
2 diced greenish bell pepper (1 cup)
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons kosher salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon dry reason dark pepper
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons dark-brown sugar
cayenne to taste
1 loving cup ketchup
2 cups chicken broth or water
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 loving cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided
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