New You’Ve Entered The Calzone Zone

I’ve never been a huge fan of the calzone, together with I assume most people that don’t consume their pizza crusts experience the same way. However, since this has been requested hundreds of times, I idea I’d position my personal feelings aside, together with give the recipe a shot.

I telephone phone it a recipe, but it’s genuinely a technique, since the calzone's greatest characteristic is its mightiness to bring whatever combination of cheese, meat, together with vegetables every bit a filling. Today, calzones are most unremarkably stuffed alongside the exact same toppings that become on a pizza, which, likewise the crust issue, was ane of my primary problems alongside it. I mean, why non merely crease a pizza inwards half, together with telephone phone it a day?

So, I decided to produce what I listen is a to a greater extent than traditional filling, featuring ricotta, fresh mozzarella, together with ham. The number was every bit enjoyable, every bit it was surprising. It was almost, but non quite, lasagna-like. The extra crust didn’t bother me every bit much, together with everything seemed to run together beautifully.

I decided to recommend our Wolfgang Puck dough recipe, because it's fast together with easy, together with features a squeamish lightly textured dough, but whatever prepared pizza dough volition run nicely. 

Just live on certain to bake this long enough. If you lot brand these the same size, it’s going to bring close fifteen minutes at 500 F. Your calzone may expect nicely browned at 10 minutes, together with it volition live on tempting to bring out, but the dough volition all the same live on raw. You genuinely desire to force this to the bespeak of almost burning.

And what happens if you lot become too far, together with it does burn? No problem. Just corporation a pizza together with crease it inwards half. So, whether you’re already a calzone lover, or a reluctant skeptic similar me, I genuinely promise you lot give this a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for iv Calzones:
1 batch of our Wolfgang Puck pizza dough (get the recipe here), divided into iv dough balls
8 slices prosciutto
2 cups ricotta, drained if necessary
4 ounces fresh mozzarella, sliced thin, together with drained on newspaper towel
1 1/2 loving cup finely diced smoked ham
freshly dry reason dark pepper to gustation
cayenne to taste
(note: earlier folding, I forgot to drizzle the hand of the filling alongside a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, which I recollect would receive got been a squeamish touch.)
corn repast for the pan
2 cups marina sauce for dipping, optional
1 egg for egg wash
Parmesan cheese for dusting tops
- Bake at 500 F. for fifteen minutes
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