Bulgogi Beef – How They “Barbecue” Inward Korea (The Practiced Korea)

This is going to last a pretty slowly post service to write, since I know almost goose egg near the fine fine art of bulgogi. I produce know that if y'all follow along amongst what I did inward the video, you’re going to destination upwards amongst something real delicious, together with fairly gorgeous, together with thence that’s a practiced house to start.

I also know that y'all tin command the texture past times making your slices thicker or thinner, every bit good every bit changing the marination time. Obviously, the thinner the slice, together with the longer it’s inward the marinade, the softer together with to a greater extent than tender the meat becomes. However, y'all tin run every bit good far, ending upwards amongst something mushy, together with unappetizing.

Unfortunately, this is a thing of case together with error, together with and thence to avoid all that, I mostly run amongst but an hr or two, which ever seems similar enough to me. I don’t desire mushy meat, inward the best examples I’ve had of this inward Korean restaurants, piece tender, yet had a piddling flake of chewiness to them. Besides, the fact that this is such a fast-acting marinade, is i of the large advantages.

If y'all don’t produce the boneless curt ribs, together with run amongst pork loin, or chicken, you’ll desire to last particularly careful, since it has less connexion tissue. By the way, if y'all are an experienced bulgogi master, delight experience complimentary to run past times whatever tips along. I actually promise to orbit this a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 large portions:
1 1/4 pound boneless beef curt rib, or whatever other meat, sliced near 1/8-inch thick
4 finely crushed garlic cloves
1 generous tablespoon freshly grated ginger
1/3 loving cup freshly grated Asian pear
1/4 loving cup grated xanthous onion
1/4 loving cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
1 or 2 tablespoon calorie-free dark-brown sugar, depending on how sweetness y'all similar it
1 tablespoon Korean chili flakes (Gochugaru)
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
sliced greenish onions to finish
steamed rice
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