Eggplant Escabeche – The 2Nd Best Vogue To Swallow Eggplant

The best means to consume eggplant is fried, which I’ll hopefully seek out to you lot ane 24-hour interval amongst a video recipe. In the meantime, you’ll convey to settle for the minute best way, which is this eggplant escabeche. It’s cold, refreshing, vibrantly-flavored, as well as I’m guessing, really healthy. 

This was inspired past times a view to a eatery inwards San Francisco called Lolinda, where Chef Alejandro Morgan serves a simple, simply incredibly delicious Argentinian-style eggplant escabeche. I won’t larn as well as thence far equally to country it came out equally good, simply the noises of pleasance Michele made spell eating this were really similar. 

If you lot didn’t larn the #dotsnotslots reference, I explained how to tell a “male” from “female” eggplant inwards a quondam video, which involves looking for a point shaped grade at the end, as well as non a slot shaped one. This indicates a “male,” which mostly has less seeds.

By the way, “male” is inwards quotations because eggplants don’t truly convey dissimilar genders, simply land about are less important than others. I’m sure no proficient when it comes to eggplant sex, simply I’ll larn amongst that until I listen otherwise. I truly produce promise you lot give this fabulous eggplant recipe a endeavor soon. Enjoy! 

Ingredients for nearly ii pints:
3/4 loving cup sliced roasted sugariness and/or hot peppers

1 large eggplant, halved, cutting inwards 1/4 slices
1 large zucchini, halved, cutting inwards 1/4 slices
tossed amongst ii tablespoons kosher salt 
1 loving cup white vino vinegar 
2/3 loving cup water 
1/2 loving cup olive oil 
2 cloves finely crushed garlic 
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 
1/2 teaspoon crushed cherry pepper, or to taste
1 tablespoon freshly chopped parsley
1 tablespoon freshly chopped oregano
1/4 loving cup reserved vinegar cooking liquid
kosher tabular array salt as well as freshly soil dark pepper to taste 
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 
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