Just Corn Soup – Finally, Less Is More!

This is ane of my all-time favorite ways to savor fresh, summertime corn, in addition to a dandy lesson inward simply how petty assist these sugariness ears need. If you’re using perfect, peak flavour ears, a petty butter, common salt in addition to pepper is actually all yous need. And no, H2O never counts.

In representative you’re wondering why nosotros blended one-half the corn at the beginning, fifty-fifty though nosotros were going to blend it at the halt anyway, I guide maintain a dandy argue for that. The initiatory off fourth dimension I made this soup, it came out hence perfectly delicious that I’m directly afraid to alter the steps.

I blended the corn, in addition to started cooking; non knowing it would expect hence terrible in addition to broken. It tasted amazing, but looked similar a horrible mistake, hence I ended upward giving it a petty blitz amongst the stick blender. That did the trick, in addition to I had something that looked every bit gorgeous every bit it tasted.

Would it gustation the same if yous simmered the corn inward the water, in addition to and then blended it all at the end? I’m non sure, but my instincts country no. By the way, if yous don’t guide maintain a stick blender, you’ll guide maintain to carefully puree nigh one-half the soup inward a blender (in batches if necessary), in addition to and then add together it dorsum in. I actually promise yous hand this amazing corn soup a own soon. Enjoy!

Makes iv pocket-size portions:
3 cups packed fresh sugariness white corn kernels (about 3-4 ears)
3 cups mutual frigidity water
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
generously flavour amongst common salt
cayenne to taste
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