Koji-Rubbed Steak – Novel Historic Catamenia Dry Out Age

First, permit me attain credit where credit’s due; together with past times “credit,” I hateful possible blame. I got the sentiment from this article inwards Bon Appetit, where they showed how to purpose koji rice to copy dry out aging a steak. They tell they borrowed the sentiment from Trentina chef, Jonathon Sawyer, together with we’ll accept them at their word.

Anyway, I tried it out, together with had mixed results. The scent together with season were vaguely reminiscent of dry-aged beef, but it didn’t conduct maintain those same cheesy/funky/earthy background notes. As far equally the texture goes, in that place was no departure from a regular steak, together with it may conduct maintain fifty-fifty given it a somewhat firmer texture.

That may conduct maintain come upward from letting it teach near 3 days, instead of two, but hey, I was inside the range. Besides, I’m non fifty-fifty certain anything happened. The sentiment hither is that the fungus on the koji rice, which breaks downward the proteins inwards beans, to brand things similar miso, would operate the same magic on a steak.

While it did expect similar the koji had “bloomed” a bit, together with in that place was to a greater extent than “white stuff” at the destination of the process, in that place was no obvious signs that the meat had been “broken down.” The appearance was darker, together with it sort of had that waxy expect of dry out aged meat, but that could’ve exactly come upward from sitting uncovered inwards the fridge.

I constitute it a flake suspicious that in that place were no other posts regarding this online, but mayhap it’s exactly also new. Time volition tell. I'm looking at you, nutrient blogger. In the meantime, whatsoever together with all feedback is welcomed, peculiarly if you lot are familiar amongst using koji rice. I’m non certain if you lot should attain this a try, but, equally always, enjoy!

koji rice (I used this one)
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