Love To Bake Broccoli, Grape, As Well As Pasta Salad

I'm a huge fan of pasta salads. Whenever there's a picnic or potluck, I commonly fill upwardly up on the pasta first. I but honey to accept bits as well as pieces of veggies, fruits, as well as meats altogether inward ane dish. For lunch/dinner today, nosotros had this delicious">Broccoli, Grape, as well as Pasta Salad.

My favorite business office of this salad was the yummy bacon! I went a picayune crazy, as well as ended upwardly cooking upwardly the entire package, instead of the prescribed 8 strips. It was definitely worth it. If yous knew my family, you'd know nosotros are large bacon eaters. It's similar candy to us - as well as thence addicting. Speaking of addicting, is it possible to swallow but ONE cashew? I didn't realize how splendorous cashews are until today. I've been missing out.

This recipe is such a keeper! The flavors were truthful to the ingredients, without drastic alterations. I honey this dish as well as thence much. I can't hold off to accept it in ane trial again for luncheon tomorrow. Plus, equally I mentioned before, it's a repast amongst a fruit, veggie, grain, as well as poly peptide included - ever a expert thing, eh?

Once again, I flora this recipe on Pinterest, as well as was pretty nervous to brand it. Why? Gotta delight the hubby for dinner... I've suggested making a pasta salad for dinner every as well as thence oft since nosotros got married, as well as I teach this funny/worried await inward return. I'm glad I but went ahead as well as made it this time, without seeing what Ryan thinks. Well, ladies as well as gents, the hard-core-man-food-eater liked the "girly" pasta salad. I mean value it had something to produce amongst the aforementioned bacon. And, he'll no longer express mirth when I explicate "grapes" equally an ingredient. It adds nifty texture, as well as inward his words "was lovely". I mean value he's been watching besides much Food Network amongst me (not a bad thing, I say).


Broccoli, Grape, as well as Pasta Salad
(with my commentary) 
1 cup chopped pecans (I used 1/2 loving cup pecans, as well as 1/2 loving cup cashews - I had them already for a recipe afterwards this week, as well as didn't desire to accept to purchase roughly other parcel of pecans to brand a cup)
1/2 (16-oz.) parcel farfalle (bow-tie) pasta   
1 pound fresh broccoli  
1 cup mayonnaise (I solely used a one-half cup)
1/3 cup sugar (I solely used virtually 1/8 cup)
1/3 cup diced ruby-red onion 
1/3 cup ruby-red vino vinegar (skipped this ane altogether, as well as it withal tasted delicious)
1 teaspoon salt  
2 cups seedless ruby-red grapes, halved (I couldn't honour ruby-red grapes inward my local grocery store, as well as thence I used dark-green grapes. I idea I'd hold upwardly dissatisfied, but I actually loved the seize amongst teeth it brought to the pasta salad)
8 cooked bacon slices, crumbled (again, nosotros overdosed, as well as volition never teach back)

     Preheat oven to 350°. Bake pecans inward a unmarried layer inward a shallow pan v to seven minutes or until lightly toasted as well as fragrant, stirring halfway through. Prepare pasta according to parcel directions. Meanwhile, cutting broccoli florets from stems, as well as dissever florets into small-scale pieces using tip of a paring knife. Peel away tough outer layer of stems, as well as finely chop stems. Whisk together mayonnaise as well as side past times side four ingredients inward a large bowl; add together broccoli, hot cooked pasta, as well as grapes, as well as stir to coat. Cover as well as chill iii hours. Stir bacon as well as pecans into salad but earlier serving.


Recipe source:">
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