Love To Bake Garlic Chicken Alfredo Pizza Alongside Bacon

I volition almost ever lead a white sauce pizza over marinara. I'm obsessed amongst Alfredo sauce, what tin dismiss I say? This afternoon I made this piddling lover. Even though my married adult man would deem it a "chick pizza", I intend it's positively delicious. 

I was inspired past times the recipe linked above. But I'll post service my recipe version below. 
ii packets of generic build pizza dough dry out mix
1/2 parcel bacon, cooked crispy
1/2 lb chicken cooked chicken (I irksome laid upward mine inward the crock pot for iii hours amongst onions, chicken stock, garlic, salt, pepper, too fresh basil)
1/4 white onion, sliced
1/2 lb Italian mix cheese
Alfredo Sauce (I build mine from scratch)

Prepare the pizza dough according to the directions on package. While it's "pre"cooking inward the oven, build your Alfredo sauce (I build mine past times agency of the traditional roux. Ingredients: butter, garlic, milk, chicken stock, salt, pepper, flour, Italian cheese).  When dough is finished, spread out your Alfredo sauce almost to the edges. Sprinkle the cheese, bacon, chicken, too white onion over the white sauce. Cook inward the oven at 425 degrees for close seven minutes, therefore plough your broiler on low. Watch your pizza until the exceed begins to plough slightly golden. Enjoy!
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