Love To Bake How To Brand Roasted Rice Powder

Roasted Rice Powder also known every bit Toasted Ground Rice, is an of import cistron to Laotian together with Vietnamese dishes together with roughly Thai together with Cambodian recipes too.

Since the sum needed is commonly non much, only is crucial, it's wasteful to purchase a big parcel non knowing when tin ane complete it. But hither inwards Malaysia, it's non available at all. So... I tin solely brand roughly past times myself.

It's really easy.

Put roughly raw viscid rice onto a pan.
Toast it on medium depression heat, shaking it every similar a shot together with hence until it turns golden together with roughly of them puff up.
Let it cool downwardly together with grind it to your desired texture.

I used the manufactory that came amongst my blender fix to grind it fine. Takes solely a few pulses.

From white viscid rice to golden rice... together with puffy too!

And yes, if yous wish to inquire whether I washed it, nope I didn't. Like how nosotros don't launder peanuts or almonds  before roasting.... 
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