Love To Bake Mff's Over, Together With Hither Comes..... Aff!

Hi Everybody,

Malaysian Food Fest was over too the final circular upwards was done ii weeks back.
I would similar to accept this chance to say something.

First of all, I would similar to give thank you lot all my hosts.
Thank you lot for taking upwards the hosting request,
Thank you lot for their difficult last each calendar month too throughout preparing for the month,
Thank you lot for doing the intro too circular upwards each month,
too most of all, Thank you lot for enduring it all.
The slashes from simply about people too the criticism thrown at them.
Thank you, give thank you lot you.

I would similar to give thank you lot all who participated.
To Malaysians who are passionate almost local nutrient too to oversea participants who are curious almost the nutrient nosotros conduct keep here.
Thank you lot for the evidence to cook, too to part alongside us your culinary experience.
Some of you lot had been real supportive too real daring to try.

Thank you lot to all who are still supporters.
You read our posts, enjoyed the sharing too was glad to larn to a greater extent than almost the nutrient nosotros Malaysians swallow inwards each state.

ii years back, I never idea I would desire to occupation an effect similar this. Personally, I had a invention to encompass the province nutrient past times myself, every bit I was hoping to recreate the nutrient I ate during my travels inwards the country. But it came to me, why non extend the fun to my beau friends. I didn't facial expression the sum of entries the effect would have each calendar month too it was genuinely truly encouraging.

The aim of the event, I believe has been met too I'm real very happy almost it.
Thank you lot in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than everybody.

Now... simply about of you lot really knew.. it's non going to destination here.
Those of you lot who are on Facebook alongside me, knew.. I conduct keep something else coming up, but what?

It's Asian Food Fest!!!!

Please watch our AFF information page for to a greater extent than information almost this event.

And you lot tin forcefulness out LIKE us on Facebook.

And every bit the organizer, again.. I'm out inwards total forcefulness to support. I've started cooking my Asian dishes already, LOL.
I ever invention inwards advance.
The dishes shown below are from half dozen unlike countries, tin forcefulness out you lot seat them?

Come too bring together inwards the fun!

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: