Love To Bake Pizza Muffins

I vicious inwards beloved amongst these the start fourth dimension I saw them posted on my friend Natalie's blog. Her blog is fantastic, by-the-way. She posts a lot of actually wonderful recipes, equally good equally beautiful crafts. I'm completely jealous of her fantastic talents equally a seamstress. She's superwoman, guys, I'm certain of it. If yous guide maintain a minute, it volition live on good worth to accept a await through her crafts together with recipes - real inspiring, together with super-trendy! You become girl!

Back to the Pizza Muffins. Addicting. They never final - nosotros gobble them upwardly also fast. This fourth dimension I fed to a greater extent than or less to our fiddling guy together with (surprise, surprise) he loved them. Ever since I made them the start time, they've been inwards our permanent rotation. I recall nosotros halt upwardly having them 1 time or twice a month! For us, that's a lot. I don't recall nosotros swallow the same affair to a greater extent than oft than that - other than canned soup, BLTs etc. I beloved how slowly they are to assemble, together with how later on fiddling prep time, you're left amongst such a delicious result. I mean, who doesn't similar pizza? Why non guide maintain them inwards a fiddling muffin, right? Love 'em, beloved 'em, beloved 'em. You volition simply popular off when yous brand these, they're simply together with then yummy!


Pizza Muffins
(with my commentary) 

1 c. chopped pepperoni (we simply purchase the mini-pepperoni, it's inwards the tiffin meat department adjacent to the regular-sized pepperoni.)
1 c. chopped ham (we simply role whatsoever tiffin meat nosotros guide maintain on manus - normally ham)
2 c. mozzarella cheese, shredded (one fourth dimension nosotros tried this amongst the Kraft "Pizza Blend" cheese together with it turned out lovely - but I recall I prefer the mozzarella).
1/4 c. parmesan cheese, grated
1 c. pizza sauce, seasoned to liking 

Pizza dough (we become the super-ghetto way, together with purchase the "pop" out pillsbury pizza dough, already inwards the rectangular shape)
(We normally add together other pizza toppings similar chopped ruddy onion, chopped green/red pepper, olives, etc)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Roll out pizza dough equally if yous were making cinnamon rolls (into a rectangular shape).
3. Spread pizza sauce evenly across surface of dough.
4. Sprinkle pepperoni together with ham together with 1 1/2 c. of cheese on transcend of sauce.
5. Roll upwardly dough carefully into log together with pinch the ends to close. Cut 12 fifty-fifty slices together with house into a greased (pam is plant amend than butter) regular muffin pan.
6. Sprinkle remaining mozzarella & parmesan cheese on transcend of each muffin together with house into oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.


Recipe Source:
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