Love To Bake Pork Panang Curry - Thai Curries Aff #2

We seriously dearest this!

If y'all avoid consuming kokosnoot milk, therefore it's difficult for y'all to brand this because I used 350ml kokosnoot milk to hit this plate of curry. Personally, I dearest kokosnoot milk for it's wellness benefits alongside all the curt too middle chain obese acids that used to last confused every bit BAD. Rich alongside lauric acid that benefits the heart. It helps alongside weight loss too I volition ask it desperately if I ever larn Alzheimers. Read here . 

If y'all accept never drank freshly squeezed kokosnoot milk, y'all don't know what you're missing. That's why y'all e'er encounter kokosnoot trees inwards places that people nickname every bit Paradise! Joking.

Ok, dorsum to the dish... It gustatory modality almost similar a rendang, merely ameliorate than a rendang, that is to us.
Panang Curry is said to originate from Penang too Penang was i time nether Siamese ruling. This curry uses peanuts every bit i of its ingredients. So at that topographic point is a low-cal nutty flavor inwards it.
Usually cooked alongside beef, merely i tin piece of job pork or chicken every bit well. I went alongside pork. 

No regrets no regrets! 

Pork Panang Curry
Source:" target="_blank">Real Thai Recipes" target="_blank">

300gm pork
1 Tbsp thinly sliced kaffir lime leaf
50gm kokosnoot milk
ii tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp palm/coconut sugar

Panang Curry Paste
10 dried chillies
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 Tbsp toasted peanuts
½ inch galangal (20gm)
ii pcs of coriander root
1 lemongrass
ii shallots
iv cloves garlic
1 pocket-size cube of shrimp paste/ belacan (eyeball close 1 tsp)
250gm kokosnoot milk

Thickened Coconut Cream
50gm kokosnoot milk
50gm water
½ tsp rice flour

1. Snip the dried chilli into sections too rub to take seeds. Soak inwards H2O to soften.
2. Toast coriander seeds too cumin seeds until fragrant. Let them cool downwardly slightly.
3. Slice galangal too lemongrass thinly .
4. Mill coriander, cumin too peanuts together. When the accept larn fine, add together inwards galangal too lemongrass. Mill again. Lastly add together inwards softened chilli, shrimp paste, shallots too garlic too manufacturing flora until fine. (if it’s agency likewise dry out tin add together roughly kokosnoot milk from the 250ml portion)
5. Put ½ of the kokosnoot milk into a wok too convey to a boil. Put inwards spice glue too hit on medium depression heat. Let it hit until y'all encounter roughly oil, too it looks glossy, merely non soundless dry. Add to a greater extent than kokosnoot milk gradually (2 Tbsp at a time) every bit y'all hit therefore that they plough to oil. Cook until the glue is almost dry
6. Put inwards all the pork, plough rut to high too allow it hit for a few minutes until the flesh is cooked.
7. Put inwards kaffir lime leafage shreds too palm sugar.

before adding the pork

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