Love To Bake Saba Shio @ Tabular Array Salt Grilled Mackerel - Slow Japanese Fare #2

I honey grilled saba together with I produce club this quite oftentimes whenever I swallow at Japanese restaurants.

It's truly a lot cheaper if you lot grill this at home. When I dine at the restaurant, I larn 1/4 of  the fish, but if I create at dwelling I larn 1 whole fish for the same price. Wow, isn't that real "dai" (means worth it inwards Cantonese)

This Norwegian bluish mackerel is easily available at major supermarket at the frozen division. Cost me approximately RM16 for 1 pack. Sometimes there's three pieces, sometimes ii bigger pieces.
I ever go along a pack inwards the freezer every bit it is 1 of the easiest dishes to whip up.

Saba Shio @ Grilled Mackerel

Mackerel flesh
Sea Salt

Rub mackerel alongside a lilliputian chip of oil. Place it on transcend of your oven's wire rack, peel side up. Sprinkle common salt over. Just a chip volition last fine, merely to season.
Place a pan underneath the wire rack to grab the drippings.
Grill inwards oven at 200C until the peel looks golden.

*You mightiness withdraw to flip the fish to grill the flesh. My oven has the go "Grill alongside fan", together with thence I didn't flip it.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Nihon Month
hosted past times Alan of Travelling Foodies

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