Love To Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Bites

I'm a large fan of 'all-in-one-bite' desserts. These gibe that mouth perfectly. In each bite, yous expire a well for yous dose of strawberry, a creamy dose of cheesecake, too a tasty texture from the graham cracker crumbs. Plus, it honestly took fifteen minutes to brand these, starting fourth dimension to finish. I can't believe how addicting they are, too.

I've made these earlier - I brought them to Thanksgiving this past times year. However, I cursed the piddling strawberries the whole fourth dimension I was making them. I didn't accept a melon-baller. I had to carve out each private strawberry alongside a knife.... too that took ages. We received a gift menu a calendar month later on at Christmas for Bed, Bath & Beyond too approximate what exceptional I headed guide towards? Yep. The melon-baller. And we've been best friends always since.


Strawberry Cheesecake Bites

1 pound large strawberries
8oz. block cream cheese – soft
3 – iv tablespoons powdered saccharide (depends on how sweetness yous desire the filling)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or live on almond, lemon, etc. )
Graham cracker crumbs

Rinse strawberries too hull out the middle of the strawberries alongside a melon-baller. Slice a bottom out of your strawberries too hence they tin stand upwards up. One strawberries are prepped gear upwards aside.

Combine cream cheese, powdered saccharide too vanilla alongside a mixer or past times hand. Add cream cheese mix to pipage handbag too fill upwards strawberries.  Once strawberries are filled, drizzle your graham cracker crumbs over the piddling lovers.  Devour.

Easy Peesy.

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