Love To Bake Traditional Mooncake

My kickoff endeavor at making mooncakes. So deport alongside me, the mooncakes don't hold off perfect.
I don't bake everything perfectly each fourth dimension too I'm non shy to acknowledge it.

It's ok, it's a been there, done that. And for those of y'all who cause got been call for me whether I cause got mooncake recipes, hither y'all go.
I don't know if I'll brand to a greater extent than mooncakes, every bit inwards baked mooncakes, existent mooncakes every bit I seriously don't bask eating a lump of filling. It's only a personal thing.

The outlook of my mooncake is all my fault.

I overdosed on the element of group I water. Cos I didn't bother to cause got out my standard spoon, too added inwards also much. My mooncakes hold off soooo dark.
I didn't actually bother to read upwards much on how to create it. I read only 1 weblog too that was it. Lazy :(
I didn't know that resting betwixt bakes was crucial too thus i of my mooncake cracked.
I forgot I shouldn't live on glazing the mooncakes land it's hot is a bad idea. The egg yolk bubbles upwards too the embossed patterns are lost nether the eggs.
too now.... I know.
I read all the comments on that post..but somehow, these weren't mentioned. Or peradventure I didn't notice. Anyway.. my fault.

When i bakes without passion, it kills the bake.
I was totally non excited almost baking mooncakes, instead was dreading the whole thing.
But so again, I'm glad that my yolks all stayed inwards the middle too the crust was even. That was the solely achievement I accomplished.

Everybody who ate this said it was dry out too so wondered how much stone oil is inwards the commercial ones. They also said it's less sugariness comparatively. But they would also gladly sacrifice the smoothness of the filling for less stone oil too sugar.

My hubby thoroughly enjoyed these. He ate most of it.
And yes.. when my woman rear ate this, she said, the i she reminisced almost was a white lotus mooncake.
I intend I desire to instruct bang my caput on the wall.

Lyanne, side yesteryear side twelvemonth y'all ameliorate non smuggle anymore lotus seeds into my shopping basket.

Traditional Mooncake
yesteryear Wendyinkk 
Pastry recipe adapted from Aunty Yochana
Makes 8 mooncakes

One constituent (1kg) homemade Lotus Paste Filling(click for recipe)
30gm melon seeds
two tbsp golden syrup (or y'all tin piece of job maltose)
8 salted egg yolks
Egg yolk for glaze

Mooncake pastry
175gm Low Protein flour
45 gm oil
100 gm Golden Syrup
1/2 tsp element of group I water
Small pinch of salt

1. Prepare Pastry dough. Mix depression poly peptide flour alongside salt. Mix alongside the balance of the ingredients until it forms a "batter". Cover too move out it for 1 threescore minutes too it volition plough into a lump of dough.
2. Meanwhile, Put melon seeds onto i side of the baking pan too egg yolks on roughly other side alongside baking newspaper underneath. Bake at 140C (preheated) until the melon seeds start to puff up. Remove the tray from oven too allow both yolks too seeds cool off.
3. Place lotus glue into a mixing bowl. Add inwards golden syrup too toasted melon seeds. Mix it alongside the mixer until the seeds are good dispersed. Weigh the full weight of filling too split into 8 portions. Roll each into a ball. It volition plough oily at this point.
4. Weigh the dough too split it into 8 portions.
5. Create a hole inwards the filling too set inwards 1 egg yolk. Seal upwards the lotus glue ball. Roll it dorsum into a circular ball. Complete this earlier wrapping alongside dough.
6. Flatten i constituent of dough too roll the filling in, every bit thinly every bit y'all can. Repeat until all are wrapped.
7. Depending on the mould y'all have, lightly dust the formed dough alongside flour too press into mooncake shapes.
8. Bake at 180C for 10 minutes. Take it out too allow it balance for fifteen minutes.
9. Brush the mooncakes alongside egg yolk, top only. And bake it i time to a greater extent than for roughly other 10-15 minutes, depository fiscal establishment stand upwards for on the color too halt when it's squeamish too golden. The crust volition live on really firm.
10. Leave mooncakes for 2-3 days for it to soften, so solely consume.

crazy holler upwards pics....

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