New Braised Blood-Red Cabbage – That Is All

No thing how basic or dull an gene or dish is, I tin commonly come upwardly up amongst something to pontificate on, but for this lovely braised cherry-red cabbage recipe, I’ve got absolutely nothing.

I could become on virtually how I’m non certain what that coloring cherry-red is called, but I did that inwards the video. I could joke virtually taking i for the team, as well as keeping this side dish purely vegetarian for a change, but there’s nothing funny virtually non adding bacon.

I could propose a few slow ways to plough this into an amazing one-dish meal, past times adding exactly about smoked sausage or leftover pork ribs, but that’s in all probability hence obvious that I’d survive insulting your intelligence.

Or, I could bring gone into a great, onetime prep produce anecdote virtually how I won $10 from a pastry chef inwards 1987 past times juggling cherry-red cabbages on the hotline during service, but that would bring meant making upwardly the story, since it was truly cantaloupes.

No, I’m non going to cite whatever of that. I'll exactly propose that if yous desire an easy, gorgeous looking, as well as rattling tasty vegetable side dish, as well as then yous should grade this a endeavor soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4-6 portions:
2 tbsp butter
1 modest Red cabbage, sliced thin, virtually a 1 1/4 pounds
1/3 loving cup water
1/4 loving cup cherry-red wine
2 tbsp cherry-red vino vinegar, or to taste
2 tbsp white sugar
pinch of caraway seeds
salt as well as pepper to taste
*Note: in that place are SO many ways to tweak this recipe! Raisins, currants, shallots, onions, leeks, apples, as well as pears are exactly a few things that stone inwards this recipe.
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