New Duck Fatty Roasted Brussels Sprouts – P.H.A.T. Amongst An “F”

With all the rich as well as decadent football game political party nutrient I’ve been sharing lately, I’d idea I’d receive got a footling break, as well as postal service a nice, uncomplicated light-green vegetable side dish. Of course, these beautiful roasted Brussels sprouts were only a prop as well as then I could demonstrate using leftover duck fat, but still.

If you lot sentinel whatsoever amount of celebrity chef TV, you’ve undoubtedly heard them going off on the virtues of duck fat. They generally pontificate on its deep, palate-coating richness, which is true; but they likewise similar to indicate out the wellness benefits. That role is a footling cloudy…you know, similar saturated fatty when it cools down.

Duck fatty does receive got much less saturated fatty than butter, as well as is higher inward oleic acid, the materials that makes olive crude as well as then pop amongst the good for you lot eating gurus, but brand no mistake, this is nevertheless an brute fat, as well as should travel used inward moderation. The skillful news: “in moderation” totally works!

A few tablespoons as well as a really hot oven is all you lot take away to plough some sleepy vegetables into something much to a greater extent than special. As I cite inward the video, bacon grease volition brand a fine (and fifty-fifty to a greater extent than flavorful) substitute, but if you lot exercise create duck, saving the leftover fatty is nix brusk of mandatory. I promise you lot hand this technique a stimulate soon. Enjoy!

Brussels sprouts (about 4-6 per person)
salt, pepper, cayenne to taste
enough melted duck fatty to coat vegetables generously (about 2-3 tablespoons per pound of sprouts)
fresh squeezed lemon to finish
*Roast at 450 degrees F. until tender but nevertheless a footling firm, close 15-20 minutes

View the consummate recipe

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