New Sugariness Corn & Wild Mushroom Spoonbread – Best Cornbread Dressing I’Ve E'er Accidentally Made!

It’s e'er squeamish when you lot start out making i thing, together with it unexpectedly turns into something else, which ends upward beingness far improve than you lot expected. Such was the representative amongst this quite homely, notwithstanding amazingly delicious sweetness corn together with wild mushroom spoonbread.

I was trying to produce a simple, wild mushroom-studded, sweetness corn casserole to reinforce our vacation side dish repertoire, together with earlier I knew it, I was eating the best, nigh flavorful cornbread dressing I’d ever tasted. Not entirely that, but nosotros completely eliminated the footstep of having to brand corn breadstuff first!

Of course, I wishing I could produce materials similar this on purpose, but similar my golf game buddies used to say, “better lucky, than good.” The entirely drawback, every mo I obsessed over inwards the video, was the less that stellar appearance when it came out of the oven. 

I may attempt only about type of gratin topping adjacent time, but honestly, this was together with hence wonderful tasting that I can’t fifty-fifty pretend to hold out upset over such superficial concerns.  I promise you lot hand it a attempt soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 12 portions:
1/2 loving cup dried porcini mushroom pieces, softened inwards 1 loving cup hot tap water, squeezed dry
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
3/4 loving cup all-purpose flour
3/4 loving cup xanthous cornmeal
1/4 loving cup sugar
1 teaspoon fine salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 tsp freshly dry soil dark pepper
cayenne to sense of savor
2 large eggs
1 loving cup buttermilk
1/4 loving cup milk
1 pound sweetness corn, drained good
1/4 loving cup chopped dark-green onions
oil to grease baking dish
Bake at 350 degrees F. for 30-35 min

View the consummate recipe

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