New Turkey Shish Kaburgers! A Seriously Non Horrible Turkey Burger

Usually when I shipping service a recipe, I desire it to survive fantastic, awesome, incredible, inspiring, and/or mind-blowing. With this turkey shish kaburger, I was solely shooting for non horrible. Happily, nosotros achieved that in addition to much more.

I’ve received countless nutrient wishes for turkey burgers over the years, but only the mere idea of that dull, pale, insipid lump of meat (aka “the Mitt Romney of meat”), had me reaching for the delete button. Even when I’m out for a cheeseburger, in addition to I encounter individual inward front end of me begrudgingly corporation the turkey burger (hold the mayo), I mean value to myself, “that misfortunate bastard.”

So, how produce yous plow the dreaded t-burg into something that would drive envy instead of pity? When inward doubt, become ethnic! I figured if nosotros borrowed from the famously flavorful shish kabob, but used turkey instead of lamb or beef, nosotros only may survive able to line this off. I know I lot of yous mean value chunks of meat when yous listen “shish kabob,” but reason meat is equally good used, in addition to I’ve e'er preferred that version anyway.

As I advert inward the clip, I used the “rising juice method” to exam for doneness, but since reason poultry isn’t something yous desire to accept a jeopardy with, I propose yous role a thermometer to ensure an internal temperature of 165 degrees F. Just piece of job along inward mind, since turkey is in addition to then depression inward fat, no thing how incredibly good yous flavour the meat, if yous overcook these, fifty-fifty a little, they volition survive dry.

But, the practiced word is if yous don’t, in addition to take away them alongside well-nigh of their precious wet intact, you’ll survive enjoying a turkey burger that’s non solely non horrible, but is truly delicious. Enjoy!

Ingredients for four turkey burgers:
1 1/2 lb reason turkey
1 1/2  tablespoons plainly breadcrumbs
1 1/2  tablespoons reason almonds
1 or ii tsp hot chili paste, or minced fresh hot peppers
2 cloves crushed garlic
1 1/2 teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons garam masala
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons yogurt
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
*I garnished mine alongside mayo, topped alongside ruby onions in addition to tomatoes I tossed inward lemon juice, in addition to to a greater extent than cilantro leaves.

View the consummate recipe

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