New Watermelon Agua Fresca – It’S Similar Water, Only Fresher!

“Agua Fresca” translates to “Fresh Water,” which is sort of funny, since it’s made by together with large from fresh fruit. Sometimes I create extensive enquiry into why something has a for certain name, but this time, because it's also prissy to rest within surfing on a computer, I’m exactly going to speculate.

I’m guessing that dorsum inwards the hateful solar daytime earlier modern plumbing together with refrigeration, H2O may non accept ever been the best tasting drinkable around. Drinking vino together with beer all hateful solar daytime is a fantastic alternative, but non necessarily when you lot accept things to do, together with empires to build.

So, they took roughly stale, tepid water, together with freshened it upward alongside roughly prissy cold, sweetness fruit. You accept to admit, that sounds pretty plausible. Anyway, that’s my flush together with I’m sticking to it. The bottom draw of piece of job is, there’s actually aught quite every bit restorative together with refreshing on a sweltering summertime day. I promise you lot hand this delicious agua fresca a elbow grease soon. Enjoy!

To brand two quarts Watermelon Agua Fresca:
5-6 cups freshly scooped watermelon
2 cups mutual frigidness water
enough uncomplicated saccharide syrup to sweeten to sense of savor (recipe every bit follows)

Simple Syrup:
1/2 loving cup sugar
1/2 loving cup water
(you tin brand whatever amount past times only using a i to i ratio, together with heating until the saccharide dissolves)

View the consummate recipe

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