Love To Bake Malaysian Nutrient Fest, Come Upwards Bring Together The Fun!!

Those of you lot who are friends amongst me on Facebook volition know that lately I’ve been cooking a lot of acre food. Wonder why?
I’ve been preparing ahead for this upcoming effect due to move launched on Aug 1 2012, inwards conjunction amongst the National Month of Malaysia

Now, basically it’s an online event, where nosotros submit entries of nutrient that we’ve cooked at dwelling that is pop inwards the named state. Anything that is made, eaten together with pop there. Be it traditional or modern, authentic or fusion, savoury or sweet, dishes or dessert, Malay, Chinese, Indian or Indigenous. Not the western version of Nasi Lemak delight (if in that place is)… produce the local version. Versions of food, constitute together with eaten inwards the featured state.

If you lot get got a storey to tell us together with portion amongst us almost how exceptional the dish is, or how dissimilar the dish is from other states, nosotros certain produce desire to listen from you. Even if you lot don’t get got a story, but simply a painting present together with recipe, it’ll withal move warmly welcomed. The monthly host together with organizer (me) volition render a few recipes, hence don’t worry almost non knowing what to produce if you lot get got none of your own. Let’s simply try…. Enjoy the learning process.

Come come upward bring together the fun! Bloggers, Facebookers, simply anyone.
For to a greater extent than information, catch Malaysian Food Fest Information Page.

These are around of the dishes I've prepared inwards advance for the event. As you lot all know, I involve a lot of atomic number 82 fourth dimension together with I e'er honour it difficult to bring together events that entirely gives me 1 calendar month of notice. I involve fourth dimension to adapt for a twenty-four hr menses to purchase things together with fourth dimension to ready together with gear upward the post. So, don't move surprised to meet me preparing something for Johor that is due inwards March 2013. LOL. Being the organizer, I am providing minimum three recipes for each state, that means.. I get got to ready 36 dishes together with around other 9 if the vacant states are non taken together with I'll get got to host them.

Oh yes, currently around states are withal opened upward for hosting
1. Kedah + Perlis
2. Pahang
3. Selangor +KL

Contact me if you’re interested.

The start calendar month featured inwards the Event is Melaka…..
Go acquire start out
chicken rice balls!!!

Don't forget to catch this Page for to a greater extent than data together with to meet the hosting schedule
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: