Love To Bake My Commence Random Sunday - Blogger Cny Potluck Today!


Hahaha. Usually I am ever the concluding to spider web log almost gatherings. Today I promise that I am the first, LOL.
Nonono.. no fighting to live on no.1. but if I expect whatsoever longer...I won't know I convey the fourth dimension to create this or not.

I'll only post 2 pics as well as I mean value the residual of them volition allow yous run across to a greater extent than pics.

I'm nevertheless inward KL at i time as well as volition live on travelling dorsum tomorrow probably.

Who were there?
Lena of Frozen Wings, Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover, Veronica at Quay Po Cooks, Swee San of the Sweet Spot as well as Sharon of Feats of Feasts. Reese of Reese Kitchen couldn't bring together us concluding infinitesimal due to an emergency.

To all who were unable to bring together us....
Sorry la, u missed out on

Lena's sweetness sour crabs, radish cake as well as pandan kuih.
Quay Po's Tuna Cheese Mini Toast (I don't know the exact name), Swedish Wedding Balls and cauliflower salad
Swee San's Pistachio Blackberry Cake as well as Plum Frangipanne Tart
Sharon's Pork Stuffed Youtiao as well as Apple Cabbage Slaw
Sonia's spread of Nasi Lemak as well as condiments,Sambal prawns as well as Lemongrass Fried Chicken as well as her refreshing Lychee Lime Drink
and my beef rendang, Kumquat Almond Tea Cakes as well as Goiabinhas
Reese didn't brand it, but her salted wings attended the potluck on her behalf.

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: