Love To Bake Puppy Duck 狗仔鸭 - Heritage Calendar Week # 1

Puppy Duck isn’t cooked amongst domestic dog meat. Relieved?
It’s duck cooked similar how one will ready domestic dog meat.
Why ready duck similar 1 would ready dog? Frankly, they create sense of savour similar
So that when 1 craves for domestic dog meat, only ready duck to ease the craving.
You may desire to ask, “Wendy, how create you lot know they sense of savour similar?”
Don’t ask. You don’t desire to know.

My paternal lineage are Panyu Cantonese 广府番禺. FYI, existence Cantonese, at that topographic point are sub dialects (is this how it's called?), similar Sei Wooi, Lord's Day Ning, Sei Yap (I was told yesteryear ii Sei Yap freinds that Hong Kong comedian Mak Ka talks amongst Sei Yap accent, amongst the famous , “see doi bau” 死仔包), Toong Koon too lots to a greater extent than that I create non know of. I solely know 1 Panyu word, which is “Sak”, which agency eat. Eat inward Cantonese is “Sik 吃”. It’s deplorable that I solely know Cantonese but non the Panyu accent. My grandparents never taught my father. Only my uncle (ah Bak) knows it.

As my finally paternal grandparent passed away when I was 1, Grandaunt was the solely ‘grand’ that I have. She stayed amongst us ever since her fille got married too taking tending of the household on behalf of my working grandma. Everybody was real unopen to her. She was the 1 who cared for me when I was a infant when my mom is away at work. She was already 75 that time. Grandaunt e'er tells me stories close her life inward Panyu. About how she learnt smoking (yes no joke), how she went to the rice fields to pick out handgrip of worms 禾虫 for dinner amongst a uncomplicated fossil oil light (If I could acquire agree of these worms, I volition recreate what grandaunt told me. She melted the worms amongst tabular array salt too steamed them. They plow custard similar too sense of savour much meliorate than steamed eggs. This is the solely truthful Panyu fare that I got straight didactics from Grandaunt) too how her begetter volition pick out handgrip of shrimp too brand them into dried shrimp too “sek doh dui kin 吃到对见(no catch how the finally discussion is written, but it sounds similar this inward Cantonese. The phrase means, swallow until the side yesteryear side year’s season, eg:this year’s jump to side yesteryear side year’s spring)

My mom would e'er tell me how grandaunt volition ready puppy duck too it was so so delicious. What’s that? I bring no idea. Grandaunt never cooked that when I came to my senses. She had resorted to uncomplicated dishes when I was around. I bring never tasted a lot of her dishes, peculiarly those that are existent traditional fare. I bring heard stories close her half dozen inch “jeen dooi”, her braised stuffed whole chicken too a lot to a greater extent than of others that I bring never eaten nor seen. Her cooking is truthful Cantonese fare.

Puppy duck or 狗仔鸭 is a traditional Cantonese dish that is almost forgotten. It took me years to finally acquire a recipe. There were other versions on the net, some coming from Foshan, some from other districts inward Guangzhou. But they all don’t audio similar what I was told it should endure like. I finally works life it inward Panyu district authorities website. This 1 sounds similar what my mom described too the recipe should endure an authentic Panyu version since it came from a eating seat inward Panyu.

And my mom came to rest amongst me for a week, correct afterwards Edith announced her Heritage Trail event. Perfect! I could endeavor recreating this almost extinct dish of my identify unit of measurement too amongst my mom to test, she could tell me how unopen I am to the master copy version of grandaunt’s.

Items shown inward existent sum used. Just inward representative you lot don't bring a scale you lot tin visually estimate

My duck was 2.1kg when I bought it. That was the dressed weight. When I trimmed off everything that I don’t want, similar the neck, head, butt, webbed feet, too super obese bits, I was left amongst 1.25kg. to a greater extent than than 1/3 gone!

Puppy Duck
Source: Panyu City Diary 番禺市志

The source's recipe
500gm Duck
10 gm cornstarch
100gm leeks
25gm ginger
5gm edible bean paste
5gm Nam yue
3gm low-cal soy sauce
2gm Sugar
10gm wine
2gm tangerine peel

My adaptation (calculated based on the source's recipe)
1 duck (2.1kg when bought dressed, 1.25kg afterwards trimming)
15ml low-cal soy sauce (almost 1 soup spoon, my ain addition)
1 heaped Tbsp cornstarch
250gm leeks (5 stalks of Chinese leeks), cut into slanting pieces, white too greenish parts separated
65gm ginger, peeled too smashed
13gm crimson fermented beancurd (Nam Yue)
25gm edible bean glue (whole beans paste, I doubled the ratio, because I works life it to endure besides little. Maybe restaurants purpose some other degree of edible bean glue every bit I saw on TV, some could endure actually thick too concentrated)
5gm saccharide
15ml low-cal soy sauce
25gm Shao Xing vino (about ii soup spoon)
5gm tangerine peel (bought from Chinese herbalist. I was told yesteryear the herbalist to stick to the sum stated, as overdosing can cause the dish to endure bitter, so meliorate non estimate)

1. Chop duck into smallish pieces too allow the blood juices drip dry. Marinate amongst 15ml low-cal soy sauce too cornstarch for 1 hour.
2. In a hot wok, pose inward ii Tbsp of cooking oil.
3. Put inward marinated duck too ready until fragrant, browned too all the meat has turned opaque. Turn off the heat. Push meat to the side, allow the fossil oil drip downward too dish up.
4. With the same wok, amongst the remaining oil, modest ginger too white parts of leek until fragrant.
5. Put inward fermented beancurd too edible bean glue too modest until fragrant.
6. Return duck to wok, toss to mix everything around.
7. Let the duck oestrus upwards 1 time again too pose vino in. Cook until vino dries up.
8. Put inward H2O , plenty to embrace duck. Put inward 15ml low-cal soy sauce, saccharide too tangerine peel.
9. When H2O has come upwards to a boil, embrace amongst lid too simmer on medium oestrus for 1 hour, checking H2O plane every straightaway too then, adding to a greater extent than every bit needed.
10. Add inward greenish parts of leek too simmer for v minutes. If you lot desire the gravy to endure thicker, add together inward some cornstarch mixed amongst water (I didn’t, every bit I reduced the gravy a lot too the melted leeks thickened whatever liquid that was left).
11. Dish upwards too serve. (I discovery it salty enough, hence didn’t add together inward whatever salt)

Verdict: Was it similar Grandaunt’s version? Mom couldn’t retrieve fifty-fifty though she ate it before, but she said, it tasted good. Anyway, I’m only glad to create a “Panyunese” dish that I solely heard of before, but now, I’ve tasted it. four adults polished off this duck. Not a chip of leftovers! But volition I ready this again? I'm non certain because cleaning the duck was a chore. The dressed duck yet had lots of plume stubs everywhere, had to tweeze them out. Took me 1 hr to tweeze too clean. If you lot desire to know, I bought my frozen dressed duck at RM17/bird at the moisture market.

I am submitting this to Edith's Heritage Trail Event.
Do bring together inward the fun.
Anyone from whatever ethnicity is welcomed

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