Love To Bake Reuben Is One Today!

Last twelvemonth on this day, I gave nascency to my solely son.
It was a prayer answered. I prayed that I volition guide maintain a delivery inwards the afternoon because for the ii girls, I was hecticly rushed to the infirmary at 5.30am.

This man child is nicknamed "Kim Soon" inwards Hokkien pregnant gilt grandson. LOL. The solely manlike somebody grandchild.
But he ain't going to hold upwardly pampered, non past times this tyrant mom. I hope him he'll launder dishes, sweep the flooring when he is former plenty for it.

At showtime nosotros thought, oh boy, this man child is soooooo skilful to me. Sleeping at regular hours in addition to 8 hours forthwith past times 10 weeks. And past times fourteen weeks, 10 hours straight, waking upwardly for feed when the Sun rises. I was thence blessed.
But then, past times he was v months... he started having itchy gums in addition to would wake upwardly to suckle whole black long.  After having ii weeks of suckling marathon, my dorsum couldn't guide maintain it anymore in addition to he was weaned.

Lyanne also started black feeding at the same time, 5M, in addition to it stopped until she had all her teeth. But Lyanne has a few stops, at 8M-10M, 15M-18M, and there was a 10 hr slumber gap. But this isn't the illustration alongside my boy. I practise wishing he volition halt soon.

At showtime I made him diluted milk, he volition suckle one-half the bottle in addition to throw it away. It's non nice. LOL. That's how I made Lydia halt black feeding when she of a abrupt started it over again afterward Lyanne came. Give them disgusting diluted milk. But no, at nowadays Reuben volition however drinkable it all. He volition simply guide maintain it, in addition to has learnt to appreciate bland formula!!! Arrrgh!! *Pulls hair*

I can't feed him H2O similar how some nation every bit my married adult man cannot stand upwardly him crying. So, I guide maintain to scope Reuben something that volition halt his cries, it's milk. He's non on pacifier (Lyanne) nor is he sucking his pollex (Lydia). He needs milk to soothe him every bit none other will.

He loves his food, Oh my. He hates it when his bowl gets empty. He volition wail in addition to scream in addition to squirt all his tears out. He seems to guide maintain a bottomless pit. No thing how large the bowl of porridge is, it never seems plenty for him. But I practise non feed him every bit much every bit he tin dismiss take. I practise command his portions. Some people told me he looks malnourished, thence skinny. But oh my, he's thence heavy. Is existence chubby alongside lots of soft soft fatty agency that the babe is healthy? What nearly density? That doesn't count? He has a salubrious weight in addition to to me that is definitely to a greater extent than of import than looking chubby for others to nation he's healthy, visually.

He's a smart boy. He's got abrupt visual skills in addition to knows how to operate his way to a greater extent than or less things. Although he has ii elderberry sisters, he enjoys buses, trains... boys materials more.

He truly learnt to sit, earlier he could flip! He sat at v months, but flipped at 8.5months. He refused to hold upwardly flipped (Yes, nosotros flipped him to inspire him, but he doesn't similar it, at half dozen mths). all my girls flipped at 5M. This is the solely kid that crawls to a greater extent than or less the house.

his butt is non touching the tub, he's floating

He loves water. He loves floating inwards H2O specially from 2M-7M. If he doesn't acquire to float, he volition brand a fuss. When he was simply a few months old, in addition to he cries for no reason, in addition to thence it's simply that he wants to bathe. Yeah, i time nosotros took him to KL, in addition to he fussed for iii hours because nosotros had to rush out for dinner, thence couldn't bathe him yet. We gave him milk, permit him suckle, none volition soothe him, continue on whining in addition to fussing. He solely stopped fussing i time he bathed. Everybody had a skilful express joy that this man child loves his bathroom soooooo much.

Somehow this man child doesn't similar to sit down still. Won't sentinel Barney, won't sentinel whatsoever babe shows, won't sit down however inwards the high chair existence strapped thence that I tin dismiss mop the floor. So, this makes my married adult man non desire to convey him out. It's difficult to command a screaming man child trying to escape from his chair all the time.

My friends told me, man child in addition to girls are rattling different. Once you lot guide maintain ii boys, you lot won't hope for some other baby. But if i has ii girls, i volition however dare to effort for some other baby. Oh yes, i man child in addition to I had enough. LOL. Luckily he enjoys playing alongside the sisters in addition to the sisters play alongside him. It'll hold upwardly shortly that I volition hold upwardly costless in addition to all iii kids volition hold upwardly enjoying each other's companionship alongside me intervening i time a while, something they hope I volition non practise often, LOL.

So, what volition I hold upwardly doing for his birthday celebration?
Errr.... no see yet.

I am waiting for his Aussie grandaunts to confirm the appointment every bit they volition hold upwardly dorsum inwards KK somewhere in June.
He tin dismiss wait....

Happy Big 1 Reuben,
Be a skilful boy,
Be a skilful brother,
Be a skilful son.
Love in addition to kisses to you.

More pictures of him on Sunday, in addition to a babe nutrient subject coming up.
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