Love To Bake Chicken Fried Inwards Dry Out Kokosnoot Sambalayam Kalasan Berseri - Ayam #3

The description that Zurin made for this dish, made me interested instantly away. It was the elevate of delicious scraps! I dearest fried chicken scraps. They are sometimes to a greater extent than delicious than the chicken itself, LOL. In this case, it's kokosnoot scraps. Sounds practiced eh :)

I love it when she changed the cooking method to 1 that I volition non shy away from as well as it's a lot healthier too. Using as well as wasting much less oil. The fried kokosnoot lends a real especial odour to the chicken as well as it's difficult to describe.

Just 1 rant close this dish, also much coconut, LOL. Or mayhap I packed the kokosnoot also much into the cup. Silly me. Other than that, it is absolutely delish! I mayhap the simply 1 who loved the scraps as well as it was also much for me to handle, alone.

Chicken Fried inwards Dry Coconut Sambal Ayam Kalasan Berseri
Cherry on a Cake, amongst slight adaptations

vi pieces of chicken (or iii whole legs)
1.5cups freshly grated coconut
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1/2 loving cup water
1/4 loving cup oil

Dry Spices
two Tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp dark peppercorns

Wet Paste (grind together)
iii Lemongrass
2cm fresh ginger, peeled
2cm fresh turmeric, peeled

1. Lightly toast the coriander seeds inwards a pan until you lot listen around popping sounds. Transfer it to the manufacturing flora together amongst dark peppercorns as well as grind.
2. Place terra firma spices, moisture paste, water, tabular array salt as well as carbohydrate into a pot or wok. Mix to combine. Bring it to a boil as well as position inwards chicken pieces. Let it laid upward for close 10 minutes on medium heat, until the chicken looks one-half cooked.
3. Transfer the chicken pieces to a tray as well as grill at 200C for 10-15 minutes or until the peel expect golden.
4. While chicken is grilling, laid upward the kokosnoot mixture until almost dry out as well as add together inwards the oil. Let it youngster until dry
5. Put chicken pieces dorsum inwards as well as youngster everything until it looks beautifully golden as well as dry.

Here ends my Ayam series. By the way, for those who didn't know what is Ayam, it's chicken inwards Malay, thus the dishes are all Malaysian as well as Indonesian inwards origin.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada semua kekawan Muslim
Happy Eid to all my Muslim readers as well as friends

See you lot on the 27th.
I remove a break.

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