This is the de facto favourite iced drinkable of Malaysians, Teh-O-Ais Limau.
It is genuinely a local version of Iced Lemon Tea. Lemons don't grow here, but calamansis thrive here. So, nosotros role calamansi to become amongst iced tea in addition to it gustatory modality absolutely lovely.
Actually I don't genuinely similar the Mamak's version (local Indian muslim eateries). I prefer my mom's. Mamaks alone role 1 calamansi. My mom uses minimum 2. They role cheapo build tea dust, my mom uses Boh. So, afterwards drinking the version made amongst character tea dust in addition to to a greater extent than calamansi, those out in that place seems.... diluted.
If y'all inquire me, Boh or Lipton. I volition at anytime tell Boh. I never similar Lipton, it's got a tanninny gustatory modality whereas Boh is fragrant in addition to smoooth.
And if y'all desire to know whether in that place is colouring added to your tea dust, in that place is i unproblematic experiment.
Just lay your tea handbag or tea dust into a loving cup of mutual frigidness H2O (tap H2O volition do) in addition to if the H2O is coloured, thus in that place is colouring. Because existent tea is supposed to unloose its color alone amongst real hot water.
And if y'all are used to the orangy coloured milk tea or nighttime amber apparently tea (like mamak teas), I'm thus distressing that if y'all practise this amongst Boh tea, it's gonna build y'all dizzy. Some people cannot swallow equally good concentrated tea, it makes them dizzy. My mom does. And amongst Boh, the color should hold upward much lighter than when y'all role other teas, but believe me, the flavor is simply equally strong, in addition to fifty-fifty better.
Iced Calamansi tea for ii spectacles most 350ml
1 Boh tea handbag (yes i volition do)
350ml boiling water
Sugar to taste
4 calamansi limes
1. Place tea handbag into a heatproof jug/teapot., or a large glass/mug
2. Pour boiling H2O onto tea handbag in addition to allow it steep for 5-10 minutes. The longer the darker.
3. Sweeten amongst saccharide (must hold upward slightly oversweetened).
4. Pour into ii glasses, mash juice from ii limes into each drinking glass in addition to transcend amongst lots of ice.
Perfect for a hot twenty-four hours :)
Actually if y'all inquire me, I prefer the cherry i than the gilt blend.
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: