Love To Bake Ikan Goreng Bercili Fried Fish Amongst Chillies- Mff N9 #2

hehehehe, I missed those scales on the fish's scalp

This is around other favourite of mine of the Minang cuisine!

Normally ikan keli (catfish) together with Tilapia is used, precisely together with thence again, whatever fish tin travel used. Maybe these two fishes are to a greater extent than affordable. But catfishes are to a greater extent than 'buttery' compared to Tilapia. Whenever I come across this dish existence available at Padang Cuisine Restaurants, I can't assist precisely direct maintain one. I must direct maintain one, LOL.

I chose to role Tilapia for this dish equally I am real fearful of cleaning the catfish. They are sold whole together with live, usually. I know around may sneer at the idea of Tilapia. Well.... I sneer at them too, if they are farm raised inwards ponds. After staying hither for well-nigh vi years, my perception of Tilapia has changed. From a muddied soggy fish, it has piece of work a tender trouble solid fleshed fish that 1 tin bit alongside the fork. You can't seat the pond raised ones together with river raised tilapia on the same level, it's non on the same par. The waters inwards the river move, the fishes direct maintain to grapple the currents together with the microorganisms that causes the muddied scent inwards the fish doesn't exist. It can't travel compared alongside other expensive freshwater fishes precisely for the affordable range, it's quite good, provided they are river raised ones. It's a fish that I tin purchase whole real often. If I'm lucky, I larn wild Tilapia.

For this recipe, y'all tin role whatever fish y'all similar together with brand to a greater extent than or less of the chilli paste. I create honour mine a fiddling also little. Maybe it's because I pounded it instead of using the chopper to create the job. The onions could travel also squashed up. I honour the oestrus degree to travel on the ok side, precisely fiery for my hubby. It's non 'shiok' plenty for me.

My hubby who commonly detests fried fishes, enjoyed this dish a lot. He hates how dry out fried fishes are. It seems similar I used a lot of oil, precisely it's the crude oil that helps retains the wet inwards fried fishes. My mom ever pours dorsum the gingery crude oil she fries the fish dorsum onto the fish...and my hubby never detests hers.

Fried Fish alongside Chillies (Ikan Goreng Bercili)
Recipe source: WendyinKK
Recipe referred: Atieaizam

1 Tilapia, medium sized, cleaned together with scored
1 tsp tumeric powder
1/2 tsp salt

1 pc asam gelugor
1/2 loving cup oil

Chilli Paste
1 crimson onion
iii crimson chillies
10 bird's oculus chilli or more
1 inch ginger
3-4 cloves of garlic

1. Marinate fish alongside with common salt together with turmeric powder, rub the insides equally well.
2. Pound/coarsely grind the chilli glue ingredients together.
3. Heat a wok on high, seat inwards crude oil together with seat inwards the fish. Turn oestrus to medium depression together with shaver both sides until golden together with nice.
4. Lift fish out of the wok together with house on plate.
5. With remaining crude oil inwards wok, saute the chilli glue together with asam until it smells fragrant together with looks glossy. Taste together with flavor alongside salt.
6. Smeer the cooked chilli glue on both sides of fish.

I am submitting this post toHody Loh of Cook for U & Me

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