Love To Bake Lime Watermelon Charlotte Amongst Mint Basil Glaze - Mousse Cake #1

I came domicile from the competition together with made around other one.... to possess got proper pics for the blog...and also for my hubby's birthday.

My girls were crazy for this cake. We blew candles that nighttime together with had a piece each together with thence scoot them off to bed. The adjacent day, when I picked them upwardly from kindergarden, the outset affair they said to me was, "Mom, let's become domicile together with consume cake". My hubby called them monsters because they ate one-half the cake inward less than 24 hours. Hahahaha, my hubby rarely calls them this, simply ordinarily it's me calling them names, hahahah. We are a household unit of measurement of humour. I never idea Lyanne volition dearest a fruit flavoured cake this much. But Lydia, yes, I know she will.

Try your best to purpose greek yogurt, it makes a lot of difference. I can't larn greek yogurt inward KK together with I didn't possess got the fourth dimension to brand a trip to Ipoh, thence I settled amongst Marigold patently yogurt of which is not a rattling adept choice. The mousse seems non every bit creamy. Dutch Lady patently yogurt is a improve choice. If not, whatsoever total fatty natural yogurt volition last ok. One of the autobus for the contest later on eating my cake, said it reminded him of mojito together with recommended that I add together vodka to spice it up, simply I didn't since my kids volition last eating this too. So, if you lot desire to add together around uumph to it, add together around or add together to a greater extent than :p

I'm non certain if gelatin is a improve selection or this instant jelly. I used gelatin during the contest together with it's non tardily to glaze them nicely. But it seems this instant jelly glaze that I bought this fourth dimension is non every bit stretchy every bit the 1 I around fourth dimension ago, together with this 1 is cloudy together with to a greater extent than 'solid'.

My kids can't halt looking at the cake, LOL

I know around of you lot may think, won't the watermelon plough watery later on you lot ball them?

Hmm.... they did possess got around juice inward the bowl later on balling, simply it didn't proceed on releasing together with releasing. As long every bit you lot don't press them or proceed them inward a warm place, they are ok.
My watermelon didn't leak into my cake fifty-fifty later on 24 hours, even thence every bit dry out every bit before.

Don't purchase pre cutting watermelon to brand this, simply a whole watermelon. When I made this cake for the competition, I cutting the watermelon together with balled it instantly away. The melons tasted superb amongst the cake.
I had one-half a melon left, brought it dorsum domicile together with made this cake, this 1 that you lot are seeing now. The texture is no longer every bit good.

Lime Watermelon Charlotte amongst Mint Basil Glaze
Recipe source: WendyinKK

Sponge Biscuit 
Original recipe from: Le Cordon Bleu at Home We blew candles that nighttime together with had a piece each together with thence scoot them off to bed Love to Bake Lime Watermelon Charlotte amongst Mint Basil Glaze - Mousse Cake #1
2 large eggs (Grade A, 65gm shells on)
50gm sugar
63gm cake flour
35gm icing saccharide for dusting

Lime Yogurt Mousse
1 Tbsp gelatin granules
50ml water
200gm greek yogurt
40gm lime juice
Zest from 3 limes
100gm saccharide (depends on how tart the lime together with the yogurt is)
200gm whipping cream

Mint Basil Glaze
fifteen mint leaves
four sugariness basil leaves
3/4 tsp instant jelly
125ml water
1 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp lime juice

Watermelon balls every bit needed

The sponge biscuit (note: This amount is for KA, Kenwood seems to yield lesser biscuits, I've tried it 3 times together with it seemed so)
1. On a large piece of non stick baking paper/parchment paper, describe 2 or iii long rectangle nearly 5cm inward height. Flip the newspaper over together with house on baking pan. Use around other piece of newspaper together with describe a seven inch circle. Flip the newspaper over together with house on around other baking pan.
2. Preheat oven at 200C, fan off.
3. Prepare sponge biscuit. Separate the eggs-white n yolks. Beat egg white amongst a pinch of common salt until it’s all foamy. Gradually add together inward saccharide together with crunch until stiff. Put inward egg yolks together with FOLD. Sift inward flour together with FOLD. Place batter into piping handbag amongst 1cm patently piping nozzle.
4. Pipe batter onto prepared trays, fingers for rectangle together with tight spiral for the circle(pipe slightly out of the circle).
5. Sift icing saccharide over the piped batter. Let it repose for xxx seconds together with sift to a greater extent than icing saccharide over. Be generous.
6. Place tray on the lowest deck together with bake for 10 minutes. (bake 1 tray at 1 time) Cool sponge biscuit earlier use. (if your oven has a hotter lower heat, seat it higher instead of the lowest)
7. Trim the ‘rectangle’ past times removing the pointy halt together with the outset together with concluding finger. Fit the sponge finger slab into an 8 inch pan (removable base). Place the circular piece inward the center, trimming it to agree tightly.
* If you lot worry you lot don't possess got plenty batter to pipe, brand 50%  extra batter, extra sponge tin post away last eaten every bit a delicious snack.

The Lime Mousse
8. In a rut proof bowl, seat H2O together with sprinkle gelatin over the water. Let it sit down for 2 minutes together with thence melt the gelatin either over hot H2O or zap inward microwave for fifteen secs.
9. Combine yogurt, lime juice, lime zest, together with sugar. Add 1 drib of greenish nutrient colouring if preferred. Let it sit down for a piece until the saccharide melts. Taste it. It should last rattling slightly oversweetened together with tangy.
10. Beat whipping cream until rigid together with thence pour inward one-half the lime yogurt mixture, mix it on depression speed. Then add together inward residue of lime yogurt mixture. Whisk on depression speed to combine. Pour inward melted gelatin together with whisk to combine.
11. Pour the mousse mixture into the prepared sponge lined pan. It should last 1cm lower than the rim of the sponge ring.
12. Put the mousse into the refrigerator together with chill for v hours (or overnight)

Final Assembly -Watermelon together with glaze
13. Bring H2O together with saccharide to boil together with tear inward mint together with basil. Turn off the rut together with permit it sit down for v minutes. Meanwhile conform watermelon balls on overstep of mousse. Strain the minty syrup. Bring it dorsum to a boil together with sprinkle inward instant jelly. Cook until the mixture is smooth. Put inward lime juice. Brush the hot jelly over watermelon balls. (if jelly solidifies earlier application, reheat it together with it volition melt). Decorate amongst around mint or basil leaves if preferred.
14. Chill cake for around other 1 sixty minutes to serve.

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