Love To Bake Linatan Chicken Rice Parcels - Sabah Mff #3

When I starting fourth dimension saw this recipe.... I asked myself, how overnice tin flame this be?

Then every bit I intend nearly it, I remembered how my mom used to position steamed chicken juices onto our rice, together with it was heavenly. No fancy seasoning, together with the chicken was exclusively rubbed amongst roughly tabular array salt together with steamed.

Now... I roughly know what it tastes like.

But to convey flavourful chicken juices, I must instruct a adept chicken. I bought one-half a Naked Neck, locally known every bit "gong geng gai" inwards Cantonese, or y'all tin flame instruct a "woo sou gai" of which I don't know the proper English linguistic communication request this bearded chicken. but both chicken breeds are known to convey ameliorate meat than regular farmed chickens.

I made 8 parcels. My girls each had 1 together with they thoroughly enjoyed dinner, together with fifty-fifty complimented me verbally, LOL. My man child took one-half together with my wife together with I walloped the rest. Served amongst roughly acar of which.I find, ruined the whole affair because the rice has such a frail flavour. I totally loved how the rice gustatory modality together with smells like. But if y'all prefer rigid flavours, y'all mightiness discovery this..... bland.

Now, I desire to laissez passer myself a pat on the back. I cooked rice on the stove function past times inwards a pot without burning, LOL. I convey ever marveled at people who could create that. Finally I could. Well, y'all don't convey to create it similar me. You tin flame usage a rice cooker, something of which I don't have. And for once, I desire to challenge myself non to usage the microwave. :-) Just homecoming roughly fatty from the chicken earlier y'all create the rice inwards your rice cooker together with it volition gustatory modality marvelous.

I can't instruct simpur or tarap leaves here, together with then I had to brand create amongst banana leaves. If y'all convey ever preferred banana leafage wrapped nasi lemak, I intend y'all volition relish this exceptional uncomplicated chicken rice too. The leaves add together a novel dimension to the adept one-time chicken rice that nosotros are then familiar with.

Oh yes, I don't know the origins of this dish, every bit inwards from which tribe, because the recipe source never mentioned nearly it. Let me know if y'all create :-)

before wrapping....

Linatan Chicken Rice Parcels
past times WendyinKK
Reference: Sabah Edu

400gm of chicken (1/4 bird), peel on (choose 1 amongst adept flavour), whole piece
300gm rice (I used Siamese rice, non Jasmine/fragrant rice)
600ml H2O (the H2O must survive to a greater extent than than park then that the rice volition survive soft)
1/2 Tbsp salt

8pcs banana leaves (8X12 inches)

1. Soak rice for at to the lowest degree xxx minutes.
2. Place chicken peel side downwardly inwards a heavy based pot. Turn the oestrus on. When y'all take away heed roughly sizzling, pour inwards the H2O together with salt. Bring to a boil together with allow it simmer for 5-10 minutes until y'all run into roughly fatty floating on top. (taste it, adapt if needed)
3. Drain the rice together with position it inwards the simmering chicken broth.
4. Let the rice boil on medium oestrus (lid off) until y'all no longer run into whatsoever extra liquid floating on top.
5. Turn the oestrus downwardly to the lowest together with allow it create for roughly other 10 minutes or so, until the rice is cooked.
6. Turn off the oestrus together with allow the rice sit down for roughly other xxx minutes.
7. Remove chicken from rice together with shred it
8. Spoon a few Tbsp of warm rice onto banana leaf, function past times amongst roughly chicken shreds together with flexure similar a parcel.

*Can survive cooked using rice cooker
** Stir rice 1 time only, that is subsequently putting inwards at pace 3.
***Parcels tin flame survive reheated past times steaming, of which adds to a greater extent than banana leafage fragrance to the rice.

I am submitting this to Mary Of a Pepper's Love

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