Love To Bake Luffa Alongside Drinking Glass Noodles - Cucurbits #1

The constitute identify unit of measurement of Cucurbitaceae consists of squashes, gourds as well as melons.
Pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchinis, watermelons as well as bittergourds are all relatives nether the identify unit of measurement of cucurbits. This week, I'm going to characteristic iii unlike cucurbits as well as my favourite ways of cooking them.

I beloved luffa or some  telephone outcry upwardly angled loofah or fifty-fifty ridged gourd. It has a beautiful sweetness flavour as well as gives out a wonderful aroma when stir fried over high heat. Every identify unit of measurement volition induce got their ain means of doing this as well as this is the means that I personally similar it to be. Just brand certain you lot move high oestrus to stir tyke the luffa, until some  caramelization has taken place, if not, it won't last every bit nice.

Simple as well as delicious. I beloved this.

Angled Loofah alongside Glass Noodles
Recipe source: WendyinKK

500gm angled loofah (the weight earlier trimming)
1 Tbsp dried shrimp
1 Tbsp dried cloud ears
10gm drinking glass noodles (a minor cluster, it volition expand afterwards cooking)
ii cloves garlic
1 egg white
1 loving cup water

1. Soak cloud ears until it expand, as well as trim down the the base of operations to take difficult bits. Soak drinking glass noodles until softened, snip them into 2-3 inch lengths.
2. Soak dried shrimp for v minutes, drain.
3. Peel angled loofah, rinse loofah as well as cutting into slanting pieces. Do non launder afterwards cutting.
4. Finely chop garlic.
5. Heat a wok as well as pose inwards approximately cooking fossil oil as well as sauté garlic until fragrant, as well as thus pose inwards dried shrimp as well as laid upwardly until the garlic looks slightly golden.
6. Put inwards angled loofah inwards as well as laid upwardly until approximately sides hold off golden as well as it smells fragrant.
7. Put inwards H2O as well as cloud ears. Bring to a boil, as well as pose inwards drinking glass noodles. Cook until the noodles soften as well as hold off transparent. Taste as well as flavor alongside common salt as well as pepper. Add Cornstarch+water if needed, precisely I don’t every bit I prefer it to last slightly soupy
8. Pour egg white over as well as laissez passer it a gentle toss. Dish up.

**Happy Deepavali to all my Hindu friends as well as readers**

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