Love To Bake Palm Saccharide Kokosnoot Cream Sauce

I think I said I won't endure making whatever "Gan Sui Joong" this year, which are apparently alkaline/lye water rice dumplings.
But due to "family" demand, I made them, but apparently amongst no fillings. Mom simply loves these.

Again, I didn't use boric acid (pang sar) as the additive to arrive bouncy. 

But this fourth dimension I made this sauce to acquire amongst the dumplings. Usually it's apparently palm saccharide syrup. But I've added to a greater extent than or less kokosnoot cream into this, simply similar making a caramel sauce, kokosnoot cream instead of milk cream. Pandan leafage instead of vanilla bean, together with palm saccharide instead of brownish or white sugar.

This is a recipe given past times a neighbour, Mrs Teh, the married adult woman of the adept human being who taught me to brand Toddy Buns.
She taught me how to make this sauce when I was 13, for a "Gan Sui Gou" which agency element of group I rice cake.
The palm saccharide sauce was actually overnice together with the hole-and-corner component is kokosnoot cream, or thick kokosnoot milk.

So, here's what I learnt from a dearest neighbor

200gm palm saccharide (here I used gula kabung, which is darker, you lot may purpose the regular gula melaka)
few blades of pandan leaves, shredded together with tied into a knot.
100ml water
100ml thick kokosnoot milk/cream
modest pinch of common salt (if prefer a salty tinge to anything kokosnoot milk related, together with I didn't put)

1. Cook palm saccharide amongst H2O together with pandan knot on medium depression estrus until melted.
2. Let the saccharide syrup proceed to prepare until the whole surface is real bubbly, it may stimulate got nigh 3-5 minutes for the syrup to like shooting fish in a barrel reduce.
3. Pour inward kokosnoot milk together with salt, stirring or swirling the pot all the while.
4. Then select the sauce dorsum to a boil, together with allow it simmer for 1 minute.
5. Strain sauce together with serve amongst dumplings or whatever other kuih you lot may prefer.

** the sauce thickens slightly upon cooling downward to room temperature, something similar runny honey.

Oh, i time again this is non a backpost. Just made this yesterday at my hometown, Kampar.
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: